Chapter 27~

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A/N: Thanks to  nalulover22 , Diane_help_me , xtwenie , Luke_Dragneelx , Clarkersat for voting!

Woah guys! 10k reads :0



★Lucy's POV★

I get out of the restaurant and stretch.

It has already been a week since I'm in this city full of.... interesting people.

But the kind of annoying thing in this city is that there's only seafood! I don't know for you, but for me I think I'll start to get sick from all of this same food...

For the moment, no sign of Aquarius in this city...

I don't know why but some days ago, when I was really tired of searching all day signs of Aquarius, I literally thought I ate her for breakfast, like, what the fuck Lucy? 

Anyway, yeah.

Today I'll try to explore the forest of 'Saltywaterstinks' because why not!

I let out a small sigh and start to walk around the town.

Did you know there are also guilds here?

There's a guild here named 'NALU STAN', I one day got to talk to some of the members and they were... really weird...

I think their guild is more like a cult... They kept talking about nalu babies and when I asked what's nalu they looked at me as if I was some sort of alien...

They even ban some words! Like, you can't say 'nali', 'graylu', 'gratsu', 'lolu', 'laxlu' and other words like that near them! Well there are some who tolerates those 'banned' words but oh god... some would literally stick a sword up your ass just because of those ridiculous words that doesn't even mean anything!

And guess what? They also tried to make me join their guild to be their 'queen'!

Well, I, of course, declined!

I wouldn't leave Fairy Tail for anything in the world!

Well unless if it's a death or life situation but still...

Anyway, let's stop talking about this guild anymore, it was a traumatizing experience.

Ahem, let's just get going with finding Aquarius. I think that if I don't find anything in the forest, I'll go in the next city that is named 'Imhungrypleasefeedme', ugh, what's with all those long stupid city names! There's even one called 'Myassholesonfire'!!!??!!! (A/N: Sprinklefan ;) )

Okay I really need to focus on finding Aquarius, not on some city names that are extremely weird...

I continue to walk on the path that leads to the forest and decide to think about something less disturbing than this weird guild and weird city name...

I wonder if everything's going well for Natsu and the others...

★Meanwhile with Natsu and the others....

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