Chapter 10~

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★Lucy's POV★

When I finally opened my eyes, Capricorn was looking at me with a smile.

"I see you're finally back, Lucy-sama." He says.

"For how long was I meditating?" I ask.

"Almost 5 hours." He answers.


I shake my head, trying not to make a fuss over it.

"So, you finally activated your inner magic." He says.

"Yup!" I exclaim proudly!

"But what took you so long?" He asks.

"Well, at first I was having trouble with re-finding my inner magic, I ended up meeting my soul, she helpe-" I was cut off by Capricorn's yelling, "-SOUL?!".

"Umm.. yes?" I slowly say, raising an eyebrow.

Oh! Right, my soul told me it was rare for it to happen...

"That's impressive, Lucy-sama, I'll make sure to report it to the others." He says, but because of his tone I think it was mostly for himself.

"So, what are we going to do now?" I ask.

"Today's training is done, all I planned today was you activating your inner magic. But, you instead found your soul first, which is really impressive like I said." He answers.

I nod.

Is that all for today? Aww man, I hoped for something more challenging! ... I kinda sound like Natsu right now, what the hell.

"Hey, Capricorn?" I say, catching his attention.

"Yes, Lucy-sama?" He asks.

"What's the next thing we're going to train on?" I ask, curious.

"Tomorrow, we'll expend your magic container." He answers.

"Still by meditating?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Of course." He says.

"I also recommend you to sleep well tonight and every other next day." He randomly says.

"Huh? Why?" I ask.

"Your training will start to get more and more tiring, mostly when you'll train with the Celestial King." He answers without giving too much details.

"Do you know what S'tache-face and I will train on?" I ask another question.

"It's a surprise, but... I'm just going to say that the first day of training with him will be extremely painful... We'll have to work on your pain tolerance.." He mutters to himself the last part.

"E-extremely.. painful?" I repeat, suddenly loosing my colors.

Capricorn simply nods.

"You should go eat your lunch, when you're done, don't forget to summon Loke and I for your physical training." He reminds me before going back to the celestial world. 

I sigh.

It's going to be an interesting... training I guess..


"No Lucy, you need to extend your legs higher.." Loke sweat drops.

Loke and Capricorn are currently showing me how to correctly kick someone.. I don't see why it's necessary because I have my Lucy Kick but okay..

"Alright, alright.." I say, rolling my eyes before kicking the air.

"It's a bit better but not enough.." Capricorn says.

I sigh.

"If I do it again a little bit higher, I'll for sure tear a muscle.." I say.

"That means you should stretch even more often." Loke says.

"I stretch every night!!" I exclaim, "Is it not enough?!".

"No." Capricorn and Loke says.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"You should do it every time you wake up, after you eat, after this training and the night." Loke informs me, his index up.

I let out another heavy sigh.

"You can't expect yourself to be stronger if you don't try hard." Capricorn says.

I let out, againnnn, a heavy sigh.

"Alright, let's do a side kick, alright?" Loke says, making sure I'm ready.

"Yeah... I'm ready." I say after taking a deep breath.

"Alright, first, put yourself in the normal position of stance." Loke says.

"Then, do a quick rotation of 45° as the leg who stays on the ground is straight and the other one flexed in the air." Capricorn continues.

"You then quickly extend the flexed leg as high and straight as you can." Capricorn still continues.

"Then, you do the same previous steps backwards." Loke finishes.

I stretch my legs a bit before doing step by step what they said.

"Hmm.. Not bad, Lucy-sama." Capricorn says.

"Yeah, but could be better." Loke mutters, looking away.

"I heard you, damn cat!" I yell at Loke.

Loke lets out a chuckle before saying, "Let's do this again until it's perfect.".

"Alright.." I sigh.


"Great, Princess!" Loke praises me as I pant.

I smile a bit.

"Yeah.." I say, still panting.

"It's great, Lucy-sama. It was fluid and rapid, I couldn't expect better from you." Capricorn compliments me too.

I finally managed to perfectly do a side kick and normal kick.

I've also managed to keep Capricorn and Loke in Earth Land for more than two hours!

"I think we should go now, don't forget to stretch and keep practicing your kicks!" Loke says before kissing my hand, "Goodbye, Princess!" he winks as he disappeared to go back in his home dimension.

"It was a pleasure to train with you today, Lucy-sama. Rest well and see you tomorrow, goodbye." Capricorn bows before also returning home.

Well today sure was successful.

After all, I saw my soul, activated my inner magic and now I know how to properly kick!

Well, now I have to stretch again...


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