Chapter 11~

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A/N: Hello everyone! So yesterday I've been doing summaries on my phone for every next chapters, there will be 34 chapters + one chapter bonus (a lemon >///<) and an epilogue.

The chapters will probably be longer when the Celestial King will show up!

There will be a lot of time skips too because I'm not going to write everyday's training for literally 6 years

Also, please, it'd be nice if you vote some chapters or comments! Thanks for those who already voted my story, it makes me want to write even more ^^ Thanks to @ShatteringRose and @otaku_fan_nalu for voting my story <3

Love you guys! So now, let's get started with today's chapter!


★Lucy's POV★

"What?! I really have to meditate under a waterfall?!" I almost yell at Capricorn.

"Of course, it will be easier for you to expend you magic energy and concentrate." He answers calmly.

"But it's freezing!" I desperately exclaim. 

"Even better. Now get started." He says

I sigh as I walk toward the waterfall..

"Do I really have to do this?" I ask one more time, looking at Capricorn.

"Yes." He replies.

I turn my head back to the waterfall and walk under it.

Damn! It's freezing!!!!

I sit, crossing my legs, on a big rock under the waterfall.

I can literally feel the pressure of the water crushing my brain..

I take a deep breath, trying to not be bothered by the pressure of the waterfall.

I close my eyes and keep taking deep breath as I let myself relax.

"Alright, now try to feel the ethernano around you and attract it into your body." He says, not too far from the waterfall.

"Should be easy, I did it yesterday." I say to myself.

I keep my eyes closed and visualize particles of ethernano all around me.

I let out some of my magic energy around me and let those particles of ethernano stick to my magic energy as I force my magic energy back into my container.

I repeat this until I feel like my container is about to explode.

I take deep breathes and concentrate on my magic container.

I imagine it starting to stretch to let more new magic energy fill it up.

I repeat everything again and again.

I let the waterfall relax me.

I imagine the waterfall splash me with ethernano instead of water..


"Alright, you can stop now Lucy-sama." Capricorn wakes me up from my trance.

I slowly open my eyes, I suddenly realize that I'm all soaked because of the waterfall..

Ugh I'm going to be sick again.

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