Chapter 3~

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★Lucy's POV★

I start to walk happily to the nearest port... Everything went extremely well, plus, I'm really excited to train because of what Loke said after I left the guild ...

۞~۝ Flashback ۝~۞

"Well..." I started to say.

Master just sat there, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm planning to go on many years of training master." I continued, stopping to see his reaction.

He simply nodded, meaning I should continue what I'm planning..

"I'm not going back to the guild for a year.. but then, I'll try to come back every month but it will mostly be for missions.." I said, looking down.

"Hmm... Is it because Erza, Gray, Natsu and Happy went on that long mission?" He ask.

I nodded, still looking down.

He sighs.

"It's okay my child, I understand." He said with a smile.

I looked up at him, smiling back.

"Thank you for understanding gramps.." I said, still smiling.

"Of course my child, are you planning on keeping it as a secret..?" He asked.

"No, of course not. I would never just leave them in the shadow like that!" I exclaimed not too loud.

I really didn't want to leave without saying anything like Natsu did before... It broke me in so many ways that I don't want any of my nakamas to feel the same way I felt when he suddenly left!

His smiles widen a little bit, "Where are you leaving by the way?" he asked, tilting his head.

"After I exit the guild, I'll directly go to where destiny is taking me I guess." I said, rubbing my arm.

The master thought about it for a minute, his chin between his index and thumb.

"So you don't know where to train?" He asked.

"Well, nope." I answered.

He sighs and looks at me in the eyes.

"I'll allow you to train in the Tenrou Island, Fairy Tail's sacred ground." He said with a serious tone and face.

My eyes widen.

"W-what?! Tenrou Island!?" I almost yelled, surprised.

"It's only because I trust you, Lucy." He said dead serious.

"B-but, it's where Mavis' grave is! What if I accidentally destroy it!" I said, my eyes still widen.

"I know you won't Lucy, plus, the island is already in a bad shape because of Acnologia so..." He said.

"And like I said, I trust you. Nobody will interrompt  your training, it's all benefits and you're a Fairy Tail mage." He finished to say.

Wow, I truly felt special for this much trust from gramps!

I feel like my eyes are watering.

"Wow.. this is so nice gramps! Thank you so so so much!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.

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