Chapter 25~

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A/N: Thanks to Sprinklefan ,  FT_4_LYFE , starzs-bixch , glossytacomiget , storyteller6538 , WaleehaGhumman , May_Z1234 for voting my story!



★Lucy's POV★

I look at the missions on the board, trying to find one that interests me..

It's been like three days that I'm back to Magnolia. The day I came back, we partied all night and let me tell you, the hangover I had the next morning was the worst of all...

Anyway, I think this mission should do..

I need someone to get a rare flower for a cure to my daughter's disease!
Reward: 420 000 J '

Yep, I should probably do this one for today!

I take the paper request and show it to Mira.

"Alright, good luck for the mission, Lucy!" She says with her usual sweet smile.

I smile back, "Thanks! I'll see you later!" I say as I start to walk toward the exit to go to my house.

I walk to my house as I let out a shaky breath when cold air hits my slightly sweating skin.

I should probably start to get dressed with warmer clothes, after all, summer is almost over.

I take out my key and insert it in the keyhole of the door to open it.

I enter my house and close the door behind before walking to my room to start packing my stuff for the mission.

I take my empty backpack and put some clothes in it, just in case if I have to stay for many days, and put some hygienic stuff in the backpack too.

I look out of the window and notice that the sun is still not setting.

Maybe I should go right now to lose less time...

I open my closet and take out some kneesocks and a jacket because I'm only wearing a tshirt with a mini skirt.

I put everything on, the socks, jacket and backpack before making sure I won't need anything else.

Alright, I'm free to go now.

I walk out of my house to go to the train station and buy a ticket to go to a town named 'Noinspiration', wow the one who named this town really must have no inspiration!

I sit on a bench, waiting for the next train to come.

When I'll have around 3 000 000 jewels, I'll start to travel to the continent 'Weirdland'.

Yeah, I know, it's a lot of jewels but I'll need them since I have to go on a boat and travel from towns to towns, cities to cities, etc... Then I'll have to pay for the inn and all, so... yeah I really need those jewels.

I see the that the train is here now, I should get going.

I get up and walk in the train...

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