Chapter 19~

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A/N: Thanks to @Nalufanlover1122222  ,   @Dark_Star014   ,  @Joynettles   ,   @Sprinklefan   ,  @123MidnightRose321   for voting my story!

Love you all guys~! ♥


★Lucy's POV★

I almost loose my balance when Levy-chan jumps on me to give me a hug.

I let out a laugh and hug her back.

"I hope y'all didn't miss me too much." I joke around, still hugging my small best friend.. eheh.

"LUCY!!!!" They all yell as most of them started to walk/run toward me, asking me a lot of questions.

When Levy-chan finally stops hugging me, I look at her with a genuine smile.

"You're back!!" She exclaims happily.

"Yup! But not for too long." I say.

When I said the last part, the guild suddenly became more silent.

"Oh, right. You have to go on a mission then go back to training.." Wendy says, looking down at Carla who's in her arms.

I nod, "Well, I was planning on directly take a mission but I guess it wouldn't hurt if I stay for the day." I say, smiling.

"Please!" Levy almost yells.

I chuckle.

Most of the people who came to me to see me went back to their seats, a smile on their face.

"C'mon, let's sit and talk!" Levy-chan drags me to a table where Gajeel is seated at with PantherLily.

Wendy followed us as we took a seat.

"How was the training, Lucy-san?" Wendy asks with a smile as she lets go of Carla.

"Well, at first it was really tiring and all, but now I'm pretty used to it." I answer, also with a smile.

"You even seem more confident and prettier than before!" Levy-chan exclaims.

Confident? Well, maybe not that much but I guess I did get a bit more confident..

"Thanks, Lev-chan." I thank her, still smiling and looking at her.

I then feel someone sit next to me and wrap an arm around my shoulder.

"Even your boobs got bigger!" Cana laughed as she gropes me.

I sweat drop, Gajeel glances at Levy with a funny stare as she looks at her chest, sulking,  Wendy is blushing and Carla is shaking her head as she lets out a sigh.

"Why thank you..." I say to Cana.

Cana unwraps her arm and stops groping me to drink her booze, well, she didn't changed at all!

"So, bunny-girl, you got stronger?" Gajeel asks with his usual weird grin.

"That's the whole point of training, stupid!" Levy-chan says as she playfully punched his crossed arms.

"By the way, Lucy-san, where are your keys? I didn't see them when you entered the guild.." Wendy asks, her face back to a normal color.

I show her my right hand and requip my key ring in front of her.

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