Chapter 28~

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A/N: Thanks to  Ros3sareRosie ,  Burhanthe7 ,  heartnxel ,  piperjags ,  LilLeV   , MOONLIGHTECLIPES21       for voting!

~If you have time, you could read ThatFairytailFangirl's stories! (They're about NALU).

Also, if I do a collab story with her, would you read the book? 



★Lucy's POV★

I let out a sigh as I look at the entrance of the city, 'Imhungrypleasefeedme'.

I had to go through some towns to get there, and let me tell you.. It was... err...

The first town I had to go through was 'Grayisgay' (glossytacomiget).

This town was okay.. even if it was really weird...

Then I had to go in a town owned by the  'NALU STAN' guild! How do they own a town? I don't know! The town is named 'Naluiscanon' (xtwenie)  and um... let's say I'm even more traumatized by them than last time...

THEY FUCKING TRIED TO KIDNAP ME SO I CAN STAY FOREVER IN THEIR TOWN!!! The only reason why they let me is to make 'nalu' happen! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S THAT??!!!

But whatever, I'm never going back to any town/city/guild or whatever place that has NALU in it! 

Ahem.. I should calm down and look around instead of mentally screaming like a mad woman...

The city looks nice.. But, there's a lot of restaurants... and food stands... and people eating... and flying food- WAIT WHAT?!

Oh dear holy mavis, what the fuck?

There's also a lot of decorations? What's going on?

Suddenly, someone walks toward me, "Hello! Are you new here?" the guy asks.

"Um.. yeah. Is it that obvious?" I ask, nervously giggling.

"Well, you're not holding food or eating anything.." The guy mutters as he chews some food that he randomly pulled out from nowhere.

I look at him in disbelief but shake my head before I can even start to get mad.

"Yeah okay, um, is there some sort of event soon?" I ask, looking at all the decorations hanging around.

"Yes! There will be a carnival tomorrow to celebrate food!" The guy excitedly says with stars in his eyes.

"Alriiiiight... Um, it's not that I'm bored or anything but I have to go so.... Bye!" I nervously say, running away before he can even reply.

I seriously am starting to hate people here, it's seriously just so frustrating and Mavis knows how much I hate being frustrated!

Okay, I may be exaggerating with the hate part but I'm not kidding about the frustrating part..

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