Chapter 5~

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(btw this story has bad words in it soo... late warning :3)

★Lucy's POV★

After I did what Loke told me to do, I fall on the ground.

Is this really going to be my next five years of training?

I internally cryyyyyyyyyy.

"No time to rest, Lucy! Now create an axe and cut some trees down for the house!" Loke yells.

He even called me by my name! 

I can tell he enjoys seeing me like that, all tired and all... This fucking perverted sadistic lion.

I glare at him before searching for a thick stick (hello dirty minnnnnd).

Hmm... Hah! Found one! 

I just hope it won't break...

Now... a big rock I guess?

What the hell how am I supposed to make an axe blade out of a big round rock?!

"Loke! How the frickity frick am I supposed to do this?!" I complain..

"Not only your training will be physical.. but it will also work on your mental! Just get smarter, Lucy." He says, the last part in a mocking tone.

I swear if he wasn't my spirit and friend I would have already chopped his dick off.

Okay, brain I need you to work!!!

Now that I think about it... Haven't I already read a survival fiction book?

Okay I just need to remember...

Suddenly, a bulb appears above my head and is turned on (omfg my dirty mind >:().

I bump my fist onto my palm, the bulb disappears.

Right! I have to smash the rock on a bigger rock, then it will normally break and I'll just have to use another rock to try to sharpen the 'blade'!

I start doing that but... it takes longer than what I thought...


FINALLY! The axe is done~!

It's not the best looking axe ever but it's pretty nice for a first time!

I could start to feel my magic being drained, ugh right, Loke.

Well at least I managed to keep him there for hours!

"Hey Loke! I finished my axe-" I look at him but he was sleeping against a tree...

I then look at the sky.. The sun is already starting to set down...

Did I really took this much time?!

I sigh.

I walk toward Loke and decide I should wake him up..

"WAKEY WAKEY LITTLE MONKEY!" I scream next to his ears.

His eyes shot open and looked at me frighten.

"What the hell?!" He yells, putting a hand to his heart.

I laugh.

"You almost gave me a heart attack! AND I'M A LION NOT A MONKEY!!!" He yells, glaring at me.

This just makes me laugh even more.

After some minutes of me laughing alone like a mad woman, I calm down and say, "Oh yeah! I finished my axe!".

He drops the glare and looks at my.. er.. what is supposed to be my axe.

"Uh.... It's... nice..." He slowly says.

"Wow, never seen someone this enthusiastic in my entire life!" I sarcastically say.

"Sorry princess but it's really not looking good.." He says.


That hurts.

Even though I knew it.

I'm now sulking.

He was about to say something but I almost fall.

"Woah! Are you okay?!" He runs to me.

"I'm alright, it's just that it's already been hours that I summoned you." I say with a small smile.

"Oh right...", he looks up and then continues, "I'm going to go back now, for today I'll allow you to eat what you brought but next time, you're searching food! Okay?" he says with a firm tone, still a little bit concerned for me.

"Aye sir!" I try to cheerfully say but I'm too drained.

"Alright, I hope you know how to make fire 'cuz I ain't going to make it for ya! Also part of your training! Now, have a good night sleep, princess! Hope you dream about me." He winks.

"Don't worry I'll be good and no thanks, I don't want to have nightmares." I blankly say. 

He waves before going back to the celestial world.

I let out a long sigh.

It's going to be five long years of training... 

But it's okay.

I need to be strong.

Now I guess I should start to make a fire..

It's searching sticks time!

1.. 2.. 3.. 4..

5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

9.. 10.. 11.. 12..

13.. 14.. 15.. 16..


Okay 30 sticks should be enough, plus they're not too thin and they're kind of long.

Now rocks! Well it's going to be easy since I'm in a forest!

I put the sticks down next to my luggage but not too close to it cuz I don't want it to catch on fire later.

Hmm.. I think ten rocks should be enough.

Annnd... there we go!

A perfect circle with sticks in it!

Now I need to make fire... er...

I take two sticks, put one on the floor with some dry leaves on it.. I then take the second stick and start to rapidly rub the stick between my hands (idk why but it sounds dirty...).

Hah! There's already smoke coming out!

I start to rub faster and faster until...


Yay! I'm not a complete failure!!!

I rapidly put the small breeze of fire on the sticks and watch the fire getting bigger and bigger.

Now I should probably eat! 

I look into my luggage and take out a can of beans.

Well it's not the most delicious food on Earth Land but it will do.

I eat as I gaze back at the dancing flammes.

I softly smile... It reminds me of Natsu..

I look at the now starry sky and let myself get lost in my thoughts as a little tear escaped from my eyes..



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