Chapter 18~

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Thanks to @unknownRose09  @iluvkimnamtiddies  ,   @kunai-shuzen   @Xxnaimedxx  for voting my story!

Love you all guys~!


★Lucy's POV★

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...
All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine.
Oh Tetrabiblos...
I am the ruler of the stars...
Aspect become complete...
Open thy malevolent gate.
Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...
Urano Metria!" I recite as I only put a small amount of magic energy in the spell.

The scenery around me changed into the scenery I got used to during those past two months, the scenery of the spell, the planets.

When the spell finally died down, I look at S'tachie.

"Well done, old friend! To finalize your training, do you feel drained?" He asks with his usual big smile.

"Nope! I feel just as energized as earlier." I answer, happy to finally finalize the Urano Metria training.

"Great! Then, I announce the training of the spell Urano Metria.. Mastered!" He exclaims excitedly with a chuckle at the end.

I smile and cheer.

Yup, two months to master this spell. Well, I knew how to do the spell but at first, I couldn't really control how much magic energy I wanted to put in the spell.

But after two long months of training with the Celestial king, or S'tache-face for me, I now can control it.

"Well then, even if you don't feel tired, I'll let you rest for today!" He says, still smiling.

"Alright, S'tache-face, I'll see you tomorrow!" I wave him goodbye before he waves back and goes back to his original dimension.

Everything went fine during those two months, it was even really fun.. but..

Those nightmares.

They're not stopping and that's really starting to get through me..

I decide to sit on the ground, crossing my legs and closing my eyes.

When I open them, I find myself floating into the familiar darkness.

"Soul?" I yell.

Suddenly, the familiar form appeared in front of me.

She sighs, "Nightmares again...?" she guesses with an annoyed tone.

Wow, I pissed off my own soul, new achievement I guess.

I let out a nervous giggle and rub my neck with my left hand, "Yup.." I reply.

She lets out a sigh again, "What have I told you before?" she asks, clearly annoyed.

"To express my feelings, being more confident, blah blah blah, yeah I get it but it's not helping!" I answer, starting to get annoyed too.

"Did you even tried anything I recommended?" She asks.

I stay silent for a few second, "Well, when I'm mad I try to let off steam and I'm trying not to think about negative stuff.." I answer.

She shakes her head.

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