Chapter 30~

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A/N: Thanks to -sakurablossom- ,  shadow_readxr ,  Powerbomb323 , My_Fujoshi_ass  for voting!  [edited]



★Natsu's POV★  (Two weeks later~)

I let out a sigh as I let myself drop on a chair in front of the guild's bar.

"It's soo~ boring without Luce!" I complain as I cross my arms and pout.

Metal face scoffs at me and says, "I wonder how you even survived those five years without Bunny-Girl during this long ass mission.".

I glare at him, "Shut up, rusty metal. Shouldn't you be with Levy and the twins?".

He snatches a mission off the board and looks at me with a mocking smirk, "I'm taking a mission because unlike you, I have responsibilities, a girl and kids.".

 I show him my fist, "You wanna go?!" I yell, ready to beat his ass.

"Nah, I have to go. Bye grumpy face." He says, still mocking me, before exiting the guild.

Ugh! Why nobody wants to fight me! 

"Are you okay, Natsu?" Mira asks with a concerned look on her face.

"I don't know what to do!!!!" I whine.

She chuckles, "I'm pretty sure it's because Lucy isn't here, right?" she says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I.. don't like the look on your face right now..." I hesitantly say.

"Come on, you can talk to me about anything! Admit it! You love Lucy!" She says, stars in her eyes with a pink aura around her.

I can feel my face heat up, which is uncommon for me since I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer..

I slightly hide my face with my scarf, "Ughh...".

"I KNEW IT!" She yells, making some guild members look at her with concern.

"Mira...." I whine again.

"Oh come on, don't be embarrassed! Everyone knows you both like each other!" She says, clasping her hands together.

"You're not helping..." I mumble, still hiding my face behind my scarf.

"Okay then... Let's talk about how you're going to confess!" She exclaims, determined.

I let out a long sigh..

Please, someone... help me...!!!

★Lucy's POV★

I open my backpack, trying to find clothes to wear.

Hmm... Well since it has been getting hotter and hotter everyday I should probably put on a crop top with a skirt..

I take out a baby blue colored tank top and a white skirt and put them on.

My normal combat boots should be good enough for this simple outfit.

I decide to not put my hair into a ponytail and just let them down since I'm too lazy.

I get out the inn and take a deep breath.

Today I'll be looking in the forest since I already looked everywhere in the town.

Alright! I'm ready to explore! 

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