Chapter 33~

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A/N:  Thanks to  trixxiee_vscogurl  ,  Kkennia  , Darkglax29 ,  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhk   , karma7309  , DAPOWA  , Khz107  , SarahTaylor031  ,  alyanazzz  for voting my story!






★Natsu's POV★

Without a second thought, I run to Lucy, almost tripping as I do so, and jump on her to give her a big hug, making her almost fall on the ground.

"Luce!" I exclaim as I hug her.

I can hear some people chuckling and 'aw'ing but I don't care, all that matters right now is Lucy.

I feel her hugging back, patting my head.

"I almost fell down, jerk.." She says with a soft voice, making me chuckle.

I held her tight for some moments before pulling back, wanting to see if she changed.

Her face is still heart shaped, her eyes got slightly lighter, she has rosy cheeks, still got her plump lips...

Her skin is clear, it almost looks like she's glowing in the light, her hair also got lighter and longer, now it goes to her mid-thigh.

I then frown, she has bandages on her stomach, arms and on one leg.

"Luce... what's with the bandages?" I ask, ready to punch the life out of the guy who dared touch her..

She nervously chuckles, rubbing her neck, "Oh well, it's a kinda long story..." she answers.

"We have all our time, Lucy. Welcome back to Fairy Tail." Erza says as she walked to Lucy, Gray also walking next to her.

"Guys!" Lucy exclaims as she hugs them.

Not wanting to feel left out, I also join the hug, elbowing the stripper.

Ice princess glares at me, "You wanna go huh?!" he exclaims.

I glare back at him, "Anytime, Ice cube!" I exclaim back.

"Don't you guys dare fight, today is Lucy's return!" Erza yelled at us, making us shake with fear.

"A-aye sir!" We both exclaim, scared for our lives.

Lucy laughs, "Oh Mavis... I missed you guys so much!" she says as she clasped her hands.

"We missed you too, Lucy, especially the idiot over there." Gray says with a smirk as he points at me.

I slightly feel myself blush, "SHUT UP ICE STRIPPER!" I yell, glaring at him.

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