Chapter 31~

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A/N: Thanks to 1234hello123456 ,  Astherielle_26 , motherkoushi  for voting my story!

Collab story is out! Go check it out, please!!! StrawberryOfDeath02



★Narrator's POV★

Lucy's eyes widened as she felt the sharp pain in her back.

She touched her back, only to find a sort of shuriken in her back.

She pulled it out as she heard someone walking in the Temple.

As soon as she turned around, her eyes widened, not expecting to see her here.

Is she the one who threw her this shuriken? She frowned at this thought.

"Why hello there, Lucy.." The girl said, with a bored face on.

"W-what are you doing here..?" Lucy asked as she put some pressure on the cut she now had in the back.

"To get Aquarius first, of course." She answered, not bothering to look at Lucy in the eyes, instead, she looked at the key behind Lucy.

Lucy frowned even more.

"B-but why did you attack me?" Lucy asked, not understanding the girl's action.

She rolled her eyes, "You're not that stupid.." she muttered.

Lucy couldn't comprehend what was happening, how did she also found Aquarius here?

Lucy was about to grab, once again, Aquarius' key, but of course, her, now, 'rival', threw another blade at her, forcing Lucy to dodge, and so making the distance between Lucy and the key bigger.

"Ugh, Brandish, I know that you also want her but I got here first." Lucy started to complain, obviously not pleased of being almost stabbed, again.

Brandish wasn't getting any of it, she just ran to Lucy, kicking her in the stomach.

Lucy coughed up her saliva, "What the hell, Brandish?!" she said as she put a hand on her stomach.

"Fight me." Brandish simply said, frowning at Lucy.

Lucy looked at Brandish in disbelief, "Whaa..? I don't want to fight a friend!" she exclaimed.

Brandish scoffed, "Friends, huh? Well too bad, looks like I stabbed you in the back." she said, which is physically and mentally true.

Lucy rolled her eyes, "It's not the time for puns." she bitterly said, obviously hurt to be 'betrayed' by a 'friend.

Brandish sighed, "I'm sorry, but if you don't let me have Aquarius' key, then I'll just have to make you.".

"But-" Lucy was about to say something but Brandish kicked her again, making Lucy slightly grunt in pain, thanks to the training with Capricorn, it didn't hurt that much.

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