Chapter 32~

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A/N: Thanks to h0e111 , Ninjagirl2005  for voting my story!



★Narrator's POV★

Brandish raised her foot, looking down at the floor, wanting to see the crushed Lucy.

She raised an eyebrow when she saw there wasn't any signs of Lucy, no blood, no body.

She frowned, "What the-" she was about to swear, but something hit her in the back before she could even finish her sentence.

She turned around, her eyes slightly widened when she saw Lucy, standing there, glaring at her.

"How did you even..." Brandish was confused, how is she still alive?!

Lucy slightly smirked, remembering what happened.

~~Some minutes ago

Lucy started to sweat, she can't be serious, right..?

How is she supposed to escape, she can't just die there!

She then looked at her wrist, realizing there's still Pyxis' AstrAccessory..

'Right! I can teleport!' She thought, smirking.

Just as Brandish stomped her foot, Lucy muttered 'Teleportation'.


"It's a secret." Lucy winked.

Brandish was not pleased at all.

She could feel herself grow with anger, why can't Lucy just give up and let her have Aquarius' key?!

It was supposed to be hers! She had it way before Lucy!

It's now the only thing that used to belong to her mother... That's not fair... She's the one who deserved it!

She clenched her fists so hard, her knuckles turned white.

"Why.. can't you.. just.. DIE!" Brandish yelled, feeling as if she was about to explode of anger.

She raised her foot once again and kept stomping it on where Lucy was.

Lucy kept using the teleportation spell, which made her use a lot of magic energy.

'Damn it.. if she keeps doing that, I'll have no magic energy left.." Lucy thought as she tried to dodge Brandish's foot by teleportation.

Lucy's magic container was slowly starting to drain, after all, she was enchanting her whole body, in Taurus' star dress and using the teleportation spell .

Brandish stopped stomping her foot after two long minutes of just doing that.

She was panting with anger and confusion.

She doesn't know why she's so angry at Lucy, all she wanted is Aquarius but she's getting in her way..

"Let's make it easy for both of us, Lucy, okay...?" Brandish started to say.

Lucy stopped the teleportation, confused.

"I'll let you go if you let me have Aquarius' key, simple, right?" Brandish said, chuckling a bit at the end.

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