Chapter 21~

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A/N: Thanks to psycholuna  ,  NaluChickenStrip  ,  MasterOreoCrispy  ,  The_Nalu_Lover  ,  aededy  ,   A_StoryLover   for voting my story~!

Love you all guys!~♥


★Lucy's POV★

I wave at S'tache-face before he disappear to go to the Celestial World.

I let out a sigh as I stretch, a little bit tired because of the training.

It took me three months to master the Silver keys booster on my star dresses.

All I have to say, for the spell, is 'Silver booster! [star dress chosen] x [name of the silver key]', for exemple, 'Silver booster! Leo x Plue' and no, it's not a shipping spell!

I thought that when the spell is gone, it will simply just give me my star dress but nope.

I mean, my star dress is still normal after the spell but my hair... Well, it's only a strand of hair that changes color but still. (A/N: You can choose where, for exemple the bangs, one of the two long strand of hair in the front or even in the back)

For Lyra, the strand of hair becomes pink and it gives me a better hearing, kinda like the hearing of the dragon slayers I guess?

Plue changes the strand of hair into a blue pastel, almost white-like, and gives me a speed booster just like it's AstrAccessory.

Crux's booster is a mental one, it makes my thinking faster and makes me more clever.. The strand of hair becomes gray, but it doesn't especially makes me look older... It better not!

Pyxis makes the strand of hair red, of course, and gives me the ability to know where my opponent is, for exemple if the opponent is too fast, I still know where he/she is.

The strand of hair becomes brown when I use Horologium's booster, which makes the time look slower for me.

So yeah, that's about it... I still don't know why it took me three months to master this but whatever I guess...

Anyway, after the physical training, I'm going to the guild to go on another mission to pay my rent and see my friends!

Well, for now, I'll go eat something then train with Loke and Capricorn!


I put my backpack on and press the Fairy Tail insignia on the teleportation bracelet. 

With a single blink, I find myself in front of my beloved guild!

I smile as I open the guild's door, "Hello everyone!" I say.

"Oh! Hello Lucy!" Lisanna comes to greet me.

"Hello Lis'!" I greet her back.

I look around and raise an eyebrow.

There's not a lot of people in the guild, and the people that are in the guild all seem busy.

"Is there something wrong Lu'?" Lisanna asks as she tilts her head.

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