don't say i didn't warn you

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title: all the good girls go to hell - billie eilish and finneas o'connell

olivia's POV


billie holds out her hand and i take it in mine. she brings my hand to her lips and kisses it gently before we walk inside. "hello you two, i assume you spent the night at billie's?" maria greets us. "mhm. w-w-w-where's n-n-n-noah?" i ask. "he's down in his room. i think. why?" she questions. "i m-m-m-m-must sp-sp-sp-speak with h-h-him" i explain. "oh. are you sure? " she asks. "y-yo-y-y-you're as-ask-asking a l-l-l-l-ot of q-q-q-ques-questions." i observe. "sorry. if you want to talk to him go ahead. i'm going to go to the store." she apologizes. "come o-on bil" i say and lead her downstairs. "she's just getting ready to argue with noah, nothing you did" i hear billie whisper. "hush" i order and put my finger to billie's lips. she bites it playfully and makes a weird face at me. "you l-look like a llama when you do th-that" i finally let out a giggle, making her pretend to eat like a llama just to get me to laugh again. "you're a d-dork" i laugh and boop her nose. "now let's go beat your brother's ass- i mean, talk to him" she responds, making me laugh even more.

that's the thing about billie. she makes me laugh when i don't want to, or when i feel i may never laugh again. that's when you know you need to hold onto that person. i hope i'm able to hold onto her.

we get to noah's room and i see billie with an angry look on her face. "mood sw-swings be like" i say, making her laugh. "i just want to intimidate him! people tell me i'm intimidating a lot" she defends. "al-alright. whatever you s-say" i shrug it off with a laugh. i bring my knuckle to the door and knock on it.

"hey-" noah starts but stops himself and glares. "stop b-b-being s-s-s-such a g-g-g-giant an-angry t-t-t-toddler m-man and l-l-l-let me sp-sp-speak with y-y-you." i force out and walk into his room. "what is it? what could it possibly be now?" he asks, giving me and then billie a nasty look. "you want me to help?" billie whispers, now standing right by my side. "if you w-want" i respond with a shrug. "here's what. you've been treating your own god damn sister like shit and we've had it. bringing up something you know she's sensitive to is not at all okay, not to mention the actual physical abusive i've witnessed. among with mental abuse which i've noticed is worse for her" billie answers for me. "i can do whatever the hell i want. seriously, i'm 6'8,you're what? 4'11? what're you going to do?" he scoffs at billie. "b-b-b-b-bullshit! y-y-y-you're s-s-six f-four!" i laugh. "and hey man, i'm 5'4!" she tells him, standing on her tiptoes. "very intimidating" he says in a sarcastic voice. "sh-sh-sh-sh-she's r-r-r-right! y-you c-c-c-can't tr-tr-tr-treat me l-like t-th-th-this!" i blurt out in anger. "that's a lot coming from you" he scoffs once again. "wh-wh-wh-what have i e-e-e-ever done th-th-that's as b-b-bad a-as y-y-you?" i say with a look of confusion, still keeping my voice up. "you- hold on. let me think. oh yeah! you continued to stay friends with someone you know i dislike and don't trust! mum told you to listen to me! she said i make the rules! you follow them!" he shouts. "if m-m-m-mum kn-kn-kn-knew how y-y-y-you were tr-tr-tr-treating m-me, y-y-you'd be d-d-d-d-dis-disowned!" i spit and instantly feel a sharp pain on my cheek.

"fuck you!" billie screams and jumps onto him, making him fall to the ground. i turn and see billie on top of noah, punching him in the face repeatedly. "i gave you a fucking warning! don't you ever fucking touch her ever again!" she shouts as she continues. "bil, that's e-enough! s-s-s-stop it!" i say, trying to get her off of him. "no! it's not! i don't know how many times he's hit you like that, but he's going to pay!" she argues as i finally pick her up off of him, though she tried to squirm out of my grip and continued throwing punches and kicking the air. "go home b-b-b-billie." i order. "but-" she starts but i cut her off. "now" i interrupt. she nods sadly and trudges up the stairs.

"are you al-alright?" i ask, kneeling down next to noah. his nose might be broken. that's not how a nose should look. ew.

"i'm f-fine." he chokes out. "c-c-come on. i-i'll cl-cl-clean you u-up" i say with a sigh and stand up, holding my hand out for him. he takes it and stands up, immediately hugging me. "i'm sorry liv." he whispers. "yeah." i nod. i pull away from the hug and lead him to the bathroom. he sits on the toilet seat and i rummage through the counters. "i'm sorry for wh-what i s-said about mum" i tell him after a while of silence. "it's alright. i'm sorry for everything." he bows his head. "i know." is all i can manage to get out. i find some hydrogen peroxide and pour it onto a cotton ball before dabbing it onto a cut under noah's eye, making him wince. "don't be a b-b-baby" i giggle, making him laugh a little. "we can c-cover this with m-m-m-makeup if you w-w-want" i suggest, running my thumb over a bruise starting to form under his other eye. "we sh-sh-should p-p-probably t-take you to ins-inst-instacare" i suggest, inspecting his nose. "you're probably right." he nods. "we'll go wh-wh-when m-m-maria gets h-h-home. for n-now, i'll g-g-get you an i-ice p-pa-pack" i tell him. i finish fixing up and bandaging the rest of his injuries and jog up the stairs. i grab an ice pack from the freezer and bring it back down to noah. "thanks." he says with a weak smile, putting the pack on his nose. "no p-pr-problem." i reply. i sit down on the couch next to him, due to him moving while i was upstairs, and he turns on a movie.

a/n: i'd like to let it be known that i don't check the chapters all the way through before publishing them. probably a stupid idea but idc. if there's a mistake, i'd rather you dummy don't point it out

i let you have what you wanted so say thank you

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