put your lips on my skin and you might ignite it

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title: my strange addiction- billie eilish and finneas o'connell again because that song SLAPS

billie's POV


we're all thinking it so i might as well say it, i am one lucky ass bitch. i have noticed that olivia hasn't been stuttering around me lately. like, at all. i'm so glad she's getting comfortable with me.

"fuck baby" i moan as olivia sucks on my neck. "hush, you'll get us caught" she says, bringing her hand to my throat and applying pressure to it. who would have thought? our little olive, a top. i force myself to hold in moans as she keeps a tight grip on my throat. "how'd you get so good at this?" i ask through moans. "that's funny because i actually have never really done this before. i mean yeah sure i have been in relationships before but not um... not like this" she sits up. "well, you're not alone. i've never been in a hidden relationship or whatever this is before either." i laugh. "do we have to talk about what we are?" she sighs. "not quite yet, just keep doing your thing mamas" i tell her. she giggles and leans back down, almost instantly continuing to suck on my neck. i lay my head back so it's easier for her and slide my hands down to her ass.

eventually we stop and i put my hood over my head as i walk to the bathroom. "damn." i whisper, running my thumb over one of the many dark purple marks olivia made. she said they weren't that bad.

fuckin liar.

sexy ass liar but still.

we been knew she one sexy ass bitch for some time now

we're over at my house right now and we were chilling under the red lights and listening to some music. pigment by h.e.r. came on and next thing i know olivia is on top of me and we're making out. not my fault.

actually, it was my idea to turn on the red lights

and my idea to queue the song

not my fault

it's not my fault

"what's that?" finneas points out as he opens the door and comes into the bathroom. "fuck! i could've been on the toilet motherfucker" i exclaim and hide my neck with the sides of my hood. "what's on your neck billie?" he asks, trying to take off my hood. "oh my god no way" he smiles widely and runs to my room once he gets it off, giggling along the way. i hear him knock on the door and olivia opens it. "hey f-f-finneas" she greets him. "oh my god it's true! i'm going to be an uncle!" he shouts and jumps up and down. i run over to him and cover his mouth, pushing him into my room. once i get him inside olivia shuts and locks the door. "you and you?" he asks with wide eyes and a big smile. "yes but nobody else knows so you have to keep your voice down or i'll beat the fuck out of you!" i whisper yell at him. "nobody else is home dumbass" he chuckles. "that's a lie! claudia is here, not to even mention mom is too!" i tell him. "you really expect me not to tell claudia? come on" he asks in a 'duh' tone. "please finn" i frown. "just claudia. that's it. i promise i won't tell anyone else" he responds. "i'm fine with it if you are" olivia says. "fine. but i swear to god if you tell either mom or d-" i start but he cuts me off. "only claudia. i promise" he says and holds out his pinky. "okay." i nod and link our pinkies. "pinky promises are sacred" we say in unison. "now go get your girlfriend, i need her help" i order.

finneas leaves and comes back with claudia. "did you tell her?" i ask. "not yet" he says. "go ahead, get it over with" i sigh and gesture at him. "they're a thing" he smiles, bouncing up and down with the same dumb smile. "really? oh my god i knew it. i knew this was going to happen. i told you" claudia exclaims. "but before you get all excited, it's a secret. and we aren't sure if we're really.... girlfriend-girlfriend yet" i tell them. "god damn it, only you would do this" finneas groans. "any-anyway, we n-n-need y-y-y-y-your h-help c-c-c-c-claudia." olivia says in an embarrassed tone. "yeah, someone got a little carried away." i suck through my teeth and turn on the lights, revealing multiple dark spots all over my neck. "holy shit. you did this?" claudia exclaims and examines them. "mhm" olivia bows her head in embarrassment. "nice work man" she laughs and holds her hand up, making olivia high five her. "you wanna cover them up in here or in the bathroom?" claudia asks. "i have a mirror right there and i would really rather not risk going out there and having my mom see it. it was risky enough last time and look what happened" i answer. "finneas, go get- actually nevermind. i'll go get it." she stops herself and walks out, leaving finneas and his weird, way too happy smile. he giggles every once in a while and continues bouncing on the balls of his feet. "shut the fuck up or leave dumbass" i roll my eyes. "my girlfriend is going to help you, i'm allowed to be here." he argues. claudia comes in and sets everything down. "so, tell me about it" claudia says, sitting down in front of me. "finneas, leave" she shoos him away and he frowns. "i-i'll come w-w-with you" olivia stands up and pecks her lips to mine before following finneas out.

"so, how?" she asks. "how what?" i laugh. "how'd you two like... you know get together?" she rephrases. "i don't really know. it seemed like we were together even before we started hooking up. i mean, we haven't like... had sex or anything but you get what i mean. i went over to talk to her about what happened with noah and i kissed her. we haven't really talked through it though and that was like a week ago" i explain. "hopefully you two become something more than just a hookup. you two look really cute together" she tells me. "trust me olive is way more than a hookup." i tell her. we continue talking and claudia shows me how to cover hickeys. "by the way, once you're done it's not going to cover it all the way so wear some necklaces. like, i shit ton due to how many there are and in so many different spots" she laughs. "i always wear a shit ton of chains so this will be no problem" i shrug. "also, this is pretty obvious but don't wear turtlenecks because it's a dead give away and promise me you won't be one of those bum ass hoes that shows it off. disgusting" she grimaces and pretends to puke. "it really is disgusting. i swear on my burritos i'll never be one of those whore asses" i agree. "which one of yuhs doesn't know how to flush the toilet after they've had their shet?!" i quote with a laugh. "it wasn't me" claudia adds. "well it was fooking one of yuhs! disgustang!" i say, making us both go into a fit of laughter.

someone knocks on my door and i make sure the marks are covered before opening it, just in case. "can i come in now? finneas is a douchebag" olive frowns and glares at him. "come here baby, was he rude to you? do i need to beat him up?" i ask and open my arms, letting her wrap her arms around me before i do the same to her. "he was asking weird questions and confusing me" she explains. "yeah he does that. finneas!" claudia yells and jogs out of my room. "oh my god it worked!" she exclaims and shuts the door, locking it quickly after. "he really did ask confusing questions but they didn't bother me. i just wanted to be alone with you" she giggles. "your wish is my command" i laugh and press my lips to hers.

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