bitch i'm sick like i got the flu

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title: sick - rich the kid and dababy (just reading over the lyrics of this song is lowkey the funniest shit)

billie's POV 


olive and i are on our way home. she started to feel sick so we decided to go home. it's about 2 pm and we're like an hour away. "how're you feeling angel?" i ask, putting my free hand on her forehead and using the other to steer. "shitty" she sings in a groggy voice. "what do you think will help?" i ask. "i don't know" she answers, curling up into a ball and cuddling my arm. she kisses it and squeezes it close to her. 

god i love her

"alright, let's stop at a gas station and get you some sprite" i suggest. "okay" she agrees. i get into the parking lot and i kiss olive's forehead. "i'll be right back. do you need anything else?" i ask. "no" she shakes her head and closes her eyes. 

i get inside and grab several bottles of sprite and some of olive's favorite snacks, as well as some snacks for me, and pay for them. "have a great day" the cashier tells me. "you too" i respond and jog back out to the car. olive is already asleep so i put the bag on the floor next to her feet. i pull out of the parking lot and continue to drive us home.

olive is still asleep when we get home so i carefully pick her up and carry her inside. i set her down in my bed and kiss her head before walking back out to the car to get the rest of the stuff.  once i get out there i see finneas grabbing some of the stuff from my trunk. "hey finn" i greet and hug him. "hey billie, how was it?" he asks, putting the stuff back into the trunk and hugging me back. "it was amazing, very much needed" i answer. "i'm glad you had fun. where's olivia?" he asks. "she's asleep. she's not feeling well" i explain. "aw, that sucks. let me help you bring this stuff in" he says, picking stuff bag up and carrying it inside. i grab the rest of the stuff and follow him. 

"okay, just be really quiet" i whisper as i slowly open the door to my room. "got it" he nods. right as we get in he trips over a shoe a falls down, dropping everything. "nice going dumbass" i whisper yell and kick him. "huh?" olive looks around groggily. "go back to sleep angel" i tell her, walking over and kissing her head after setting everything down. "oh, i'm fine by the way" finneas sasses as he stands up and brushes himself off. "why the fuck is there a shoe right there?" he asks with a glare. "it fell off of olive's foot when i was carrying her" i explain. "now get out so i can take care of my girlfriend" i order. he frowns and walks out. i take off my shoes and lay down next to olive. she stretches a little and i wrap my arms around her. "how're you feeling?" i ask, hearing her groan a little. "here" i say, sitting up and handing her one of the bottle of sprite. "thank you" she smiles weakly and drinks some of it. i set it back on the nightstand and hug her. she buries her face in my neck and i rub circles around her entire back. 


olivia's POV

the next morning*

"here beautiful, take this" billie orders in a calm voice, handing me a small cup of medicine. "ew" i grimace after swallowing it. "they should make it like..... not taste bad. oh my god and like jello!" i exclaim. "is that your way of saying you want jello?" she asks. "maybe. or airheads." i consider. "i actually got you some of those" she smiles and walks over to a bag on the floor. she picks it up and brings it over to me, setting it down on the bed. i look through it and see several more bottles of sprite, airheads, peach rings, iced tea and multiple different candy bars. "you are my favorite person in the entire world" i tell her.

today has sucked ass. i'm sick and on my period so obviously you know it's going shitty. billie is so sweet.

she giggles and kisses my forehead. "i hate everyone except for you. do you need anything else?" she asks. "you" i answer, making her laugh. she lays down next to me and i wrap my arms around her. "can i have one of these?" she asks, pointing to one of the airheads. "i suppose" i nod. she takes one of the green ones and i take a blue one. i offer her a bite of mine and she takes a small bite off of it. "you can have more you know?" i tell her. "it's okay. do you want some of mine?" she asks. i nod and bite part of it off. i finish my airhead and cuddle into billie. she wraps her arms around me and kisses my head, rubbing my back until i fall back asleep.

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