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The last beams of the summer sun tinted the sky in a dark red color when Taehyung and Jimin got off the bus. There was a soft breeze fluttering through his hair as the younger of the two turned to look at pink-haired with an excited smile which was returned immediately. He could tell despite the face-mask due to the way his eyes formed two little crescents and almost closed entirely. It made him think about the first time he'd seen it, all those years ago on his first day of primary school back in Busan. He didn't really recall the details but they became friends soon and now they finally graduated high school together and moved in with each other. Walking down the streets towards the sunset, Taehyung knew that it had been one of his best decisions yet, taking a break to find out what they wanted to do in the future by sharing a small apartment in a new town. He'd wanted to do that for years now, especially since the place that they chose was where he was born and his latest childhood memories were formed: Daegu.

Looking left and right as he followed Jimin through the streets, Taehyung couldn't help but feel disappointed. He'd thought that he would be able to recognize at least some parts of the city but his memory failed him.
"Hyung, do you have any idea where we're going?", he asked after a while which made Jimin stop at once. He turned around, his blouse fluttering around his torso, and waited until the blonde had caught up to him.
"No, I thought we would just stroll around."
Jimin tilted his head with a soft smile, twisting the corners of his full and plump lips. Tae was always captured for a second when he saw that smirk on his face but he blinked a couple of times and ripped his eyes off of him as fast as possible.
"Alright. Well, I don't know either but I think the river is somewhere over there."
He lifted his arm and pointed southeast, hoping that his sense of orientation wouldn't fail him. The older stepped closer to him and looked in the same direction to see where exactly he meant and Taehyung shivered at how close their bodies were all of a sudden. Jimin's back was touching his shoulder, just slightly but enough to transfer some of his warmth to his dongsaeng. Mentioned felt a smile creep on his face and he placed his hand on Jimin's – admittedly very thin and feminine – waist while putting his chin on his cotton-candy-colored hair. It made the older chuckle and lean back into him a little so that their torsos were put together. Taehyung loved that in their friendship things like this were basically normal because the other was simply a touchy person, growing up with lots of love and hugs.

After another second, Jimin turned around and took a step back to look at Taehyung with his small, curved eyes that were framed beautifully by long, dark eyelashes.
"Are you hungry? Let's go grab something and eat down by the water!", Jimin proposed and clapped in excitement with his small hands.
"Yes, sure, that sounds good! What do you want to eat?"


The sky was already pitch black only the streetlights breaking the darkness of night when Jimin and Tae were on their way back to the apartment. They were walking in silence because their long trip on the train had already started at 6 am this morning so they were both really tired by now. It was a comfortable silence though, both enjoying the cold wind blowing, making Jimin's cheeks blush a little while they listened to their regular steps on the sidewalk.
Tae was looking at his phone to see where they had to turn because neither knew their way around Daegu and they wanted to take the shortest way back home. He was just letting his thoughts wander but suddenly, a low growl ripped him out of them and made him stop immediately. To him, it had sounded like a loud scream that was far away, possibly blocked by walls between the source and him. Jimin's jaw dropped when even more noises reached them and it only took one second of locked eyes until they both started running towards the scene.

Although he was quite a bit shorter, Jimin passed Tae after a few seconds and therefore arrived at the corner earlier than him. Still in shock, the younger watched his head snap from right to left, trying to figure out where the sounds were coming from, then he decided to turn right and continued to run. Taehyung followed him as best as he could and was able to catch up to him before they arrived at the scene. Both run out of words, they stared at each other then back at the mess before them. Back at each other.

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