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"Hoseok", Taehyung gasped when the brunette finally found the source of the sounds he'd been following for the last couple of minutes. When he woke up a few hours ago, he'd taken the gun and put it into his back jeans pocket and then immediately started looking for the others. He was mad and annoyed about being locked in here and... he was scared. It made him feel anxious and like something was pulling his shoulders down while clutching onto his heart that he knew he didn't have his former freedom anymore. Everything had felt heavy all of a sudden and so that was why he's started running to distract his thoughts.
Now he'd finally found someone but the way that they looked at him, he knew he wasn't welcome.
"Hi guys...", he said, trying to read their facial expressions but as if now, they were still nothing but shocked and nervous.
"Are you alright?", the brunette asked and tilted his head, sympathetically smiling at them to calm them a little bit. He knew that the atmosphere was more than dark and pressure and to the oldest, it felt like it was getting worse with every second he looked at them.
They were terrified of him.
Sure, he could understand that they didn't necessarily trust him after the argument they'd had but did they really believe he was going to hurt them?

"Look, I guess you're feeling uncomfortable with me around so I might be for the best if we just part ways again and pretend we never met, alright?"
The black-haired swallowed hard and nodded after a moment of consideration while Jimin was just staring at his feet, holding onto Taehyung's arm.
When they didn't respond after another minute of waiting, Hoseok glanced up at the ceiling where a camera was watching their every move and pressed his teeth together. If he left now, sparing them and not engaging in a fight, whoever was pulling the strings here wouldn't appreciate this behavior. Maybe this decision was going to come back and bite him in the ass later on but in his heart, he couldn't find any other way but to let them be.
"If you're in trouble or need anything, call out for me okay? We can get through this together. We're on the same team, did you forget? Well, I hope we see each other soon but... well, it's better this way."
With those words, he turned around, lowering his head and sighing in frustration but he kept his word and walked away. Without looking back so that he wouldn't give them the feeling he was watching them or anything.
Now, he was all alone again.

After round and about twenty minutes – honestly, what was he thinking, he didn't have any sense of time anymore – Hoseok was slowly getting tired of strolling around. Something had to happen soon, otherwise, he might as well just sit down and go to sleep, it didn't make any difference anyway.
"Fuck this sh-"
His self-talk was interrupted by the sound of a gun being cocked and shortly after that, a shot was released, more than close to him.
What the heck?!
Hoseok jumped and before he could even think about it, he started running towards the sound as fast as he could.
Someone was shooting with their gun, this couldn't be good.
Were they fighting?
He was actually quite sure that it wouldn'T be Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung, or Jimin which left him with Jungkook and Yoongi.
What if they'd met and started a fight with each other?
He had to do something!

And then around this partitioning wall.
He had to be close.
He had to be close.
Please, let it be Yoongi.
Hoseok didn't realize he was holding his breath until he started seeing black and white dots dancing around before his eyes and his knees gave in. With a loud bang, he hit the floor and felt a dull pain rush through his head.
He had to keep running, so he pushed himself up again and – even though he was still quite dizzy and his steps insecure – he kept walking towards where the shots had come from. He was almost there, already seeing someone from behind when said person started screaming:

"Fuck you!"
Hoseok flinched but had to smile in relief as well since he now knew that the shoot hadn't been fired at another person but at the camera that was now lying on the floor. Apart from that, the brunette was finally sure who was standing in front of him.
"I know it's me you want to be gone but I can't help you! Do you honestly think that I want this to be reality? I don't know what I did to you to make me hate you so much but it wasn't meant to go this far and I wish I could take it back because there's no way I'm going to let this happen to my friends. You can have me and do whatever you want but then do it yourself and don't make them do it for you, stupid little bitch."
He took a short moment to inhale before he called out all his rage again, going on and on about how he himself hated his life and didn't want to be here either. Yoongi was outraged at whoever was pulling this game – probably Mr. Shelsey from what Hoseok guessed so far, but why he would want to kill Yoongi was still a mystery. If it even was Yoongi, but the grey-haired seemed pretty sure about that.
"I hate you! I. Hate. You. Fuck, fuck fuck."
"Yoongi-", Hoseok pressed through his clenched jaw and the older turned around in shock.

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