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"Mhm... mmh mhh hmm... la na na..."
Nothing is wrong­­­­
I'm fine
At least, I'm going to be
Jimin was humming along to the melody that was stuck in his head while tapping the floor to the beat.
Why was it that he always had a song on his mind to keep him busy?
Maybe he got that from his mother who's loved to play the violin and sing in musicals when she went to high school and college.
One of those things he was actually excited about but at the same time left him more than stressed.
What was he supposed to study?
Did he want to study at all?
Wait, why was he even thinking about all this when he might as well die in here? It was basically a 50-50 percent chance of him being alive or gone 24 hours from now?

Jimin had to chuckle when he realized that deep inside, this entire situation didn't truly change him in his heart. He was still a teenager with the same old problems, just some others that joined the pain he already had. For example his fear or darkness.
And fuck it was dark in here.
Why did he have to remember this all of a sudden?
Along with all the other things that made him shiver whenever he thought about what happened in that swimming pool he was taken to.
Water was an issue too since then: he hated taking a shower or a bath and so his love for long spa treatments in the bathroom that used to be a part of him was long gone by now. Taehyung was worried about him because of that too, just like everything else like him spending time in his pajamas, him being on his phone a little too long, him not having breakfast until he was asked to. The pink-haired didn't do these things on purpose, he was doing fine and just because he wasn't feeling hungry a couple of times didn't mean he wasn't capable of taking care of himself. Taehyung was taking it too far with the parenting but at the same time, Jimin enjoyed his caring personality.

Now, he was waiting for the black-haired to finally return from looking around, trying to find a way out of here while he was waiting in a corner behind a partitioning wall, sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out in front of him.
Hopefully, he would come back soon because Jimin was slowly getting really nervous all on his own. He was a people person and didn't work well when he was forced to stay all alone with nobody around he could rely on. Not that he was incapable of being independent but ever since his little trauma, it was a little harder for him to stay calm when he wasn't surrounded by others.
It must have already been an hour since Taehyung had told him to wait here until he returned from searching the perimeter. That had been around twenty minutes after they had had their conversation about... well... that thing between the two of them.
He hadn't really decided yet what he thought about their discussion. About what they'd said to each other then. In a way, he'd always known that Taehyung had feelings for him, ever since high school, and he liked being treated like a prince by the younger even though he felt terrible because he was sort of leading him on. Or was he? He'd never actively tried to put ideas into Taehyung's head but he hadn't really told him the truth either. Well, now it didn't matter anyway since they had talked it through and the black-haired didn't want anything from him anymore which kind of hurt Jimin if he was being honest with himself.


Around half an hour later, Jimin heard footsteps come closer and Taehyung called out his names to see if he was still there.
"Over here.", he responded and lifted his hand, waiting until the younger arrived and sat down next to him.
"Did you find anything?"
Taehyung sighed and lowered his chin.
"Nothing. There's nothing but walls and spray art around here, I found a really cool one though but it doesn't really help with a way out of here. What about you? Anything new?"
Jimin smiled at his caring attitude that always reminded him of home and the safety he felt only when he was with his best friend, but their relationship was kind of broken by now anyway.
"I'm a little cold but other than that..."
Without even looking at him and asking him if he wanted him to, Taehyung took off his jacket and handed it to him, putting it around his shoulders gently which made him blush a little.
It reminded him of the good times... back then when they weren't... well scared for their life.
The nostalgic silence between them was broken by voices appearing from somewhere on their left.

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