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That might be the worst part of his job: he had the last shift on Friday nights and therefore couldn't do anything fun to start the weekend. It was because he wanted to support Seokjin as much as he could since his parents were his employers that he agreed to close the café that night. As they had both: A coffee shop and a bar in the café as well, they were open until dark and now Jimin had to walk home at almost midnight. He was tired and his shoulders were sore from cleaning the tables, bowing down again and again as well as carrying all the boxes around in the storage rooms. Now it was finally over though and he was on his way to his warm bed after a nice shower. The pink-haired sighed, already imagining the hot water running down his spine.
When he was younger, Jimin had always showered for like five minutes and mostly with cold water but now that had changed and if it was up to him, he'd shower for hours, using all kinds of skin-care products to have some luxury. The only problem he had was that they couldn't afford that much warm water so he would have to be quick. At least, Taehyung had finally accepted that they both had to get a job in order to pay for their rent and was looking for something. Ever since Jimin had started working at the café – which was about three weeks ago – they hadn't spent a lot of time together and the older felt terribly sorry about that.

He knew that he'd been a little different around Taehyung lately, he himself couldn't understand why. They had never been the kind of friends that never argue because they were simply very different but it had never been this bad. They were usually like magnets sticking together but now apparently one of them had changed electric charge and they were pushed apart. And Jimin knew that it was him. Taehyung was as caring and sweet as always while something inside him had changed that he didn't give that back anymore. A friendship couldn't work if not both parties put in the extra effort. Would they grow apart? And all that just because he was having weird mood swings and confusing feelings that made him go insane. When he got home now, he would make it right! Actually, he couldn't really believe that Taehyung was mad at him since he basically never was but in case, he would try everything to change it. Maybe a present would make it better, he could cook for him or make breakfast. Oh, bake something! That was the solution! Taehyung loved pancakes, that would for sure cheer him up a little.

Jimin stopped walking and looked around, trying to figure out how far the next supermarket was away and weighing his options. He could just go home hoping that they had everything for pancakes since they were not all that complicated but he could also just go looking for a 24h grocery store and buy everything now. That would be the safer plan but he was so tired...
Shifting from his left to his right foot, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Sure, that was just a small decision but making it was one of his weaknesses. He couldn't get things done sometimes.
Ah, whatever!
He started walking toward their apartment again to get a nice couple of hours of sleep. With a bit of luck, Taehyung would sleep in tomorrow and he could still buy things in the morning in case they needed something.

Almost without noticing, his steps quickened and he pulled up his shoulders when he heard someone walk behind him. The pink-haired didn't dare to turn around and seem like a scared baby but he really had to suppress the urge to start running. He didn't know why but suddenly his heart was beating terribly fast and he was scared of what could happen. Was this like in those movies where the protagonist gets mugged by a gang on the streets in the middle of the night? Ah, what was he thinking? This was probably just someone walking home from a friend's place or something like that. He didn't have to expect the worst right away.
He felt like a frightened little bunny that was being chased by a wolf only that he didn't even know who was behind him. Was it just one or several people? Why didn't he just turn around and look?
Of course, his pride was getting in the way.

One... two... three...
Automatically, Jimin started to count in his head to distract his thoughts a little bit but it wouldn't work. Maybe going through song lyrics that he knew by heart would help but when he was about to decide which song he'd sing mentally, a sharp pain rushed through his body and started to spread from his scalp down his spine and to his limbs. Black and white spots started to dance before his eyes and the picture of the street started to get blurry.
What was happening?
It almost felt like he was watching himself as he dropped to the ground and his eyes closed instinctively. Again, there was all of that pain but this time, it felt different. Like it was fading already and when Jimin tried to figure out why that was the case, a hand grabbed his leg and arm and he was lifted from the ground.
A groan escaped his lips and he wanted to open his eyes to finally be able to see again but it was like he was completely numb and incapable of moving. Even though he didn't know how he was so sure of this, he felt like he was carried on someone's shoulders right now and mentioned person started to walk.
Why couldn't he say any-
At that moment, the pink-haired lost consciousness.

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