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Blasting his head with loud music, Seokjin finished cleaning the last tables in the café. He had already ordered everything behind the bar and wiped the counters since the sun had disappeared behind the huge buildings of Daegu and he closed the café his parents owned. He had wanted to work here for as long as he remembered. Finally, at the age of 16, his parents had given him permission to try and since then he was in charge of almost everything that had to do with the café itself. Seokjin wasn't the one who took care of the paperwork or money trails since it was still his parent's business but he had a lot of responsibilities. He didn't necessarily like that he was the one to do the cleaning in the evening but since he got paid a decent wage which he needed to pay for his online classes he didn't complain.
After another half hour, he was finally done with everything he had to do and locked the front door. The backdoor was still open and supposed to stay that way so he only passed it to get to the staircase that led to his and his parent's apartment. It was quite practical living on the floors above his workplace. His parent's office was up there as well and his own room was another floor higher. He had that area all to himself. When Seokjin turned 20, he'd asked his parents if they wanted him to move out but they said they would give him the entire third floor with a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom so he could concentrate on his studies and get more independent without having to pay rent for his own place. He quickly told his dad that he was done and gave him the keys before going upstairs. He felt really dirty and craved a hot shower before changing into pj's and then making himself comfortable for the night. Maybe he'd watch some anime or scroll through Instagram. That sounded like a good plan for the evening.

His hair was still dripping when he got into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his torso. He looked up in surprise when he noticed a pair of shoes on his way there and – as he figured – Namjoon was sitting on his bed. Seokjin smiled and tilted his head, looking at his boyfriend for a second who was lying there with his eyes closed, legs and arms stretched out over the entire mattress. They had an agreement that Seokjin would leave the backdoor open so that Namjoon could always come over when he was free, but today he hadn't thought that the white-haired would actually drop by.
"Hey! I thought you had homework.", he chuckled and went over to his wardrobe to get some pajamas and get changed. Namjoon opened his eyes and sighed, taking off his glasses while sitting up again.
"I do, don't you remind me of that. I was just home to tuck kitty in and immediately felt the urge to get out of there again."
Kitty was Namjoon's little sister, well, that was his nickname for her. Seokjin adored how much the younger cared for his sibling since his mother couldn't do that but at the same time, he felt really sorry since he knew what kind of pressure that put on him.

When he was done changing into some comfortable clothes, he joined Namjoon on the bed and put his head onto his chest, smiling at how he wrapped his arms around him to cuddle at once. They often spend time together like this, just lying there sharing body-warmth and Seokjin loved these moments but now, it wasn't all that light-hearted and comfortable since he knew there was too much on his mind.
"How is it going with the little ones?"
Namjoon knew exactly what he was talking about and gently drew circles on his muscular back while starting to explain what happened since they last saw each other. He told him about how Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were now included in the gang despite their protest, how they had had to put their entire life-story on tape for Yoongi to trust them, and how the situation escalated when Jungkook confronted the grey-haired about the business.
Seokjin sighed when hearing that news, not interrupting once while Namjoon was telling him everything and even when he was done, he still waited about a minute until he said something:
"You know that I want you to stop. We talked about this a lot of times before."
Namjoon nodded and pressed a short kiss onto his forehead.
"I know babe, but as you said, we talked about it before and the situation is still the same. I need the money and apart from that now that the others are in, someone has to keep an eye on Yoongi. He's completely out of control since the other dealers are in town."

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