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"This really can't keep happening. People getting hurt, people getting kidnapped. I'm sick of it and I told you I didn't want to be a part of this.", Seokjin complained after five minutes of silence in the car. He was driving with both hands clutched on the steering wheel, the veins of his arms popping out a little bit. If anyone in this car hadn't noticed just how upset he was, then now was the time.
Seokjin was trying his best to stay calm and supportive of everything that his boyfriend was doing but now it was going too far. Jimin was still in there, four days now already and both Taehyung and Jungkook were lying in his car, unconscious.
He was really thankful that Jungkook had been strong enough to bring him out again, that he'd been fast enough to catch up to him, and that he even had the mental ability to make a decision this quickly. All of the others had failed at that exact point and if he hadn't followed Taehyung, they would have lost them both until now.

"I know, babe, and I'm terribly sorry that you're part of it but I promise, apart from driving him home now, you don't have to do anything anymore. Thank you so much for helping us.", Namjoon sighed and covered his face with his hands after taking off his glasses.
Seokjin sighed and narrowed his eyes, focusing on the road even though he would like nothing more but tilt his head to look at Namjoon. He hated that the white-haired was so concerned all the time, it was really no good for his mental state but right now, he couldn't do anything but drive to make it better. It felt so helpless and frustrating but Seokjin had to accept this situation now since beating himself up about it would only make matters worse. Over the last years, he'd developed a kind of defense mechanism against negativity and he always tried his best to stay optimistic, sharing positive energy with the people around him but right now it was getting harder and harder.

It was at the exact moment Seokjin wanted to speak up again that Jungkook woke up with a long and painful groan. He couldn't really see but he could hear the younger shift in his seat and sit up straight.
His voice broke and he interrupted his own sentence which made Seokjin look through the mirror so that he could look at him for a second. His eyes were still half-closed but other than that he looked somewhat healthy. Well, if that was possible in his physical state since he was way too skinny in Seokjin's opinion.
"You passed out for a few minutes.", Hoseok explained to him and gave the younger a relieved smile. Now that he knew he was taken care of – since Hoseok was very motherly to his younger friends as far as he'd experienced so far – Seokjin put his focus back on driving without having an accident and getting to the address he'd been given when they started as quickly as possible.


"Alright, put him down here.", he said to Hoseok and Namjoon and they followed his advice at once. They gently placed Taehyung on the bottom trunk of the bed that was in their bedroom. Luckily, Hoseok had been to their apartment before, not that it was actually big enough to get lost in there: there was only one room apart from the kitchen and the bathroom.
While the oldest was trying to take care of Taehyung, examining his head injury. Jungkook must be really strong to have made him pass out with one single punch, being honest with himself, he didn't look like it. Well, maybe it was always covered up by the long-sleeved oversized shirts in black that he wore every day, combined with a dark pair of cargo pants and heavy boots. His ripped jacket didn't really add up to his physique, he still looked really slim and starved in Seokjin's opinion, but who was he to judge or get involved in that as well. Sure, he always wanted to help, it was the same with Yoongi, but some people just didn't want to be helped and Seokjin didn't really enjoy trying over and over again until he himself couldn't keep up his positive attitude anymore. He couldn't let that happen even if it might seem egoistic to some people.

It didn't take more than five minutes to bandage Taehyung's head and after getting a cold pack from the freezer and placing it on his forehead, it was only a matter of time until he would wake up again. The only thing that was missing now was a blanket to keep him warm despite the cool pack since they had to lower the swelling and still have him wrapped up all cozy and comfortable.
"Get the blanket from over there and that's all we can do for him now.", he said and pointed to the corner he was talking about. Namjoon nodded and quickly got up to grab it while Yoongi and Hoseok stood there watching them.
"Is he going to be alright?", the brunette asked and Seokjin swallowed. Of course, he would be alright, it was nothing serious after all. Hoseok was too worried sometimes just as well as Namjoon.
"Yes yes, nothing to be concerned about. He's fine.", he responded and got back on his feet, wiping his hands on his jeans. He felt Namjoon's hands around his waist immediately and he had to smile a little at the touch. It was such a simple and tiny thing but somehow it could make him happier than anything else.

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