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Darkness surrounded him as if the air had suddenly taken on a black colour. Jimin wasn't sure if there was actually no light where he was or if there was something was wrong with his eyes but he forced himself not to panic. It was no use thinking about it or trying to figure out why this was happening to him. Self-pity was the last thing he needed, he'd wasted enough time with that already.
The pink-haired didn't know what time it was or for how long he'd been unconscious or how much time had passed since he woke up. His body was aching but he could barely move a muscle due to the ties around his torso and legs. There was a cold wall probably made of stone on his backside, supporting his stand. Jimin wanted to sit down so bad but when he tried, a short geek escaped his lips and he felt a cold tingle rush through his body.


He hadn't felt it due to him numb feet and waterproof shoes but he was currently standing in ice-cold water that reached a little higher than his ankles and this realization made tears come up in Jimin's eyes. If he allowed himself to rest and sat or lied down, he'd catch a cold for sure, the pink-haired didn't want to risk that. Who knew how long he would be in here, he didn't want to die because of a simple cold. His immune system wasn't really the best, not that terrible but since he was in the cold and dark all the time, he wasn't sure how good he would be able to recover from any kind of sickness right now. Especially since he felt like he had absolutely no energy left in his body at all.
His stomach was rumoring loudly and he tensed his abs. He hadn't eaten anything since the day he was kidnapped and from what it felt like that must have been quite some time ago. Maybe that was also why he felt so weak and like he couldn't control his body – not that there was much to control – but if he hadn't eaten in such a long time this must be the consequence.

Jimin's thoughts started wandering off. Away from the fact that he'd just been kidnapped, away from all the questions he had about why this was happening. He started thinking about the fact that it had been such a long time since he'd last seen Taehyung. Taehyung, his best friend who was most likely worried sick about him right now. The pink-haired could imagine well how scared he must be, walking up and down nervously and with bags under his eyes. Taehyung always cared so much. It was one of the reasons they got so close. In a way, he could make people believe that they were important but it took a while until he built trust to strangers which was probably why he had never had that many friends next to Jimin. Not that he minded or judged him for that, Jimin loved having the blonde for himself since, like this, no one would find out what good person he actually was. Damn, of course all of this had to happen when they were kind of having a crisis anyway. He wanted to make it up to him the next morning, now maybe Taehyung wouldn't even know how sorry he was for the way he acted in those last few days.

Despite trying to deny it, Jimin started to realize that there was something strange going on with him lately. Ever since he'd met Yoongi it was like he was an entirely different person. Not that he was under some sort of spell – or maybe... maybe you could compare it to that. Not that he would officially admit it but in Jimin's chest, a feeling started to grow that he hadn't expected to be there at all: he had a crush on Yoongi. And the problem was that he knew exactly why. He had thousands of reasons and sadly, which he felt most embarrassed for, one of them was that Yoongi was just so bad. A bad influence to say the least. He was rude and egoistic but it made him so attractive and Jimin started to think there was something wrong with him for feeling this way.
Actually, the reason he found it so intriguing to spend more time with the grey-haired was that somewhere underneath that mask, he expected to find someone soft and sweet. Someone gentle and caring, someone like Taehyung, and he wanted to make that side come out. This was the reason he was so fascinated by Yoongi but what if there was nothing? What if that soft spot he was looking for didn't exist? What if his heart was a cold as he pretended it to be? Would his feelings fade again after he realized that Yoongi was just nothing more than an idiot? What if they didn't? What then?

Jimin was frustrated. He wanted to save him. He wanted to make him cheer up and manage to bring out the true sunshine he suspected to lie underneath that constant frown but maybe it was impossible. Even though Jimin was sure that in their hearts, people were always good to some extend, he didn't know if he was the one to bring it out in Yoongi. If someone as bright and cheerful as Hoseok hadn't made it so far then why did he think that he could? Why would he let him in? He was a nobody. Well, a very good looking nobody but still...
Yoongi was surely just someone who'd been hurt in the past. That must be the reason for his behavior and even though he wouldn't go as far as saying that it was acceptable, there must be a reasonable explanation that could make Jimin accept it.
Wow, maybe being kidnapped for a while with nothing else to do but think wasn't such a bad thing, after all, he had a lot of stuff to figure out about his life even though they'd actually moved to Daegu so that they didn't have to think about so many things anymore.

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