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As Taehyung and Jimin passed him to get to the door, Namjoon was weighing his options as to what he should do about it. He couldn't just let them leave again but on the other hand, he wasn't the type to physically force them to stay.
Should he say something?
Should he shout after them?
Luckily, at the exact moment that they wanted to go up the stairs again, Yoongi and Hoseok entered in a heated discussion that was interrupted as soon as they saw the little ones.
"Who the fuck is this?", Yoongi called out to him, annoyance and a slight touch of disbelieve in his voice. It was almost funny how relieved and stressed Namjoon was reacting to this. Now, it wasn't all his responsibility anymore, but on the other hand, he had to justify himself in front of his hyung now which wasn't really enjoyable.
Hoseok was reacting in an entirely different way as the older, making eye contact with Taehyung while lowering his head but at the same time standing in their way so they wouldn't leave the room.
"My name is Hoseok, hello!"
Namjoon watched Taehyung and Jimin exchange a short glance before bowing as well and introducing themselves to the curly-haired. Meanwhile, Yoongi had walked over to Namjoon and Seokjin, not wasting a second to look at Jungkook on the floor, but instead grabbing Namjoon's arm to pull him to the side for a moment.
"You can't just bring outsiders here, we talked about this. What are we supposed to do with them now, huh? This is a secret hideout for a reason, what if they call the cops, man?"
Namjoon sighed and nodded to show the older that he knew all of this already.
"Look, it's a calculated risk. There was no other place I could take care of Jungkook so I told them to bring him here. I actually didn't plan on inviting them in but Jungkook can barely walk and he lost consciousness now so I needed them to get him inside. I'm sorry about this but there's a solution, don't worry. They didn't see anything illegal in here yet and I guess it's going to stay that way so they won't call the police.", he tried to explain himself but Yoongi wasn't convinced. At least he didn't seem all too aggressive anymore, the white-haired knew what he was capable of in this state of mind. Especially with the scent of alcohol around him like a cloud.

"Yoongi, it's fine don't worry. I can handle this okay?"
He underlined his words by squeezing his shoulder lightly before leaving him in the corner and returning to look over Seokjin's shoulder. He knew that the other could take care of Jungkook on his own, but he didn't like the look of him sitting there all alone while doing a job that he never wanted to do. Seokjin had told him many times that he wasn't going to report them because he trusted him but that he wasn't fond of their little business down here and that he had no intention of becoming a part of it. Namjoon felt sorry for calling him but he was the only one he knew with medical training that wouldn't call an ambulance and instead just take care of the younger without questions. It's one of the many reasons that he loved him so much.
"Wouldn't it help if you took off his shirt? That blood-stain on the shoulder doesn't look too good.", he said and Seokjin winced, surprised that he was standing right behind him which made Namjoon chuckle softly.
"Sure, but I wanted to ask first. Do you think he'd mind?"
Namjoon sighed at how correct Seokjin always was.
He was too good for him. As in good.
Whereas Namjoon was living in a dumpster apartment, earning his money one way or another while trying to make a living and study something that might get him somewhere, he was living with his parents, always neat and clean, working a full-time job at their café while taking online-classes. He was such a showpiece-person. Someone you'd see on television in an ad for live-counseling or whatever. Sometimes it made him jealous and sick thinking about how lucky people could be while others had literally nothing and were still beat up by karma every day. But then there were these moments where Namjoon was just straight up adoring him for his kind and correct character-traits.

"Don't worry about it, he'll be fine. If it helps to treat him then he won't mind I guess.", Namjoon responded and then squatted down next to the youngest to help Seokjin remove his shirt from the – by the way still bleeding – wound on his shoulder. He tried to be really careful but nevertheless, Jungkook tensed up entirely when he pulled the cloth off the hurt spot and even caused him to wake up from his blackout again.
"Ah..", he groaned and Namjoon made an apologizing face while putting Jungkook's arm back down again. He had lifted it to pull the shirt over his head and now that he had it in his hands, he tossed it aside carelessly. It was a little disgusting, wet from the blood and dirt from the streets so he didn't like holding it in his hands for longer than necessary.
"Ah, that doesn't look good.", Seokjin whispered, probably more to himself than to Namjoon but he looked at him anyway. Seokjin's eyebrows were furrowed as he leaned further down to look at the problem. Jungkook just squeezed his eyes shut and hissed when the brunette started cleaning up his shoulder. The tissue he was using was already stained red but it smelled strongly like disinfectant so Namjoon figured it must sting a lot.

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