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Humming along to the melody that was entering in his head through his earphones, Taehyung slowly made his way through the botanical garden. He wasn't in a hurry so he decided to finally take his time and take in the peaceful atmosphere that the park spread and let it enter his heart while he was listening to some music. It had been way too long since he last had that moment of both freedom and relaxation and the black-haired tried his best to enjoy the feeling for a second before he had to focus on what he was here for.
As soon as he remembered that he was still at the university, Taehyung's and started trembling and he bit his bottom lip. It was almost funny how – after everything that had happened to them – he was still nervous about these little things in life. Just like he was a normal teenager trying to find a place in this world. Now that he thought about it, that was exactly who he was even if he might have been through some things that others couldn't quite relate to but what did it matter?

Alright, focus... Everything is going to be just fine...
Taehyung's hand stopped shaking when formed a fist with it and then buried it in his winter coat, sighing at how quickly it warmed up in the pocket. He had by now arrived at the huge grey building, looking up at how enormous it seemed from up close. Sure, he'd been here before but back then, it hadn't really meant anything to him except for the nostalgia that built up with the fact that it hadn't been there when he was little and lived here in Daegu. Now, a lot had changed though...
First of all, it was almost Christmas and he was going to the college show soon where Hoseok and maybe even Yoongi and Namjoon would perform something for the very last time since it was their senior year. Apart from that, Jimin was finally out of the hospital after maybe six weeks there and they were back to being best friends just like before. Taehyung was incredibly glad that their relationship didn't really change after their little talk, well apart from the fact that the black-haired was finally happy with how close they were and got over his boy-crush from before. It felt amazing to have a friend like Jimin who wasn't the cause of so much pain at the same time, especially now that he and Yoongi were starting to grow closer. Honestly, he hadn't expected that this was going to happen for real but he was happy for them since both the grey-haired and Jimin were starting to act more grown-up around each other, even going out on real dates (that Yoongi had initiated which was more than surprising to Taehyung and the others just as well).
And now for the most important part in Taehyung's life: He was here at the college today for one single purpose that was – maybe – going to change him forever. Together with Hoseok, he'd put together his own schedule and was now here to apply for the next year that started in September with aesthetics as his major and music as his minor class. He was going to go to college...

With an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, Taehyung entered the building in headed straight towards the dance studios where he hoped to meet Hoseok rehearsing. Luckily, it didn't take long until he found the brunette, loud music sounding through the door and into the hallway where the black-haired waited for a moment, watching the older through the window. Then, however, a second person joined Hoseok in the choreography and Taehyung gasped in surprise, not expecting to see him here today.
Jungkook was wearing white buffalo sneakers, black sweatpants, and an oversize black t-shirt that was bouncing up and down along with his swift movements. His long dark hair was put up in a man-bun, only a few strands were falling into his forehead, sticking to his skin due to the sweat that made his face shimmer beautifully.
Through the mirror, he could see the dreamy smile that was on Jungkook's lips as he followed Hoseok's movements with ease, seemingly enjoying himself more than ever while dancing to a hip-hop song. Taehyung never knew that Jungkook was a dancer but now that he saw him, completely in his own world and letting the beat control his body as if he'd never done anything else, he seemed like an entirely new person.

When the song was over and Hoseok and Jungkook took a short break to drink something, talking about something that Taehyung couldn't understand through the wall, he decided to enter. He didn't want to feel like a stalker after all and apart from that, he still needed some advice from Hoseok about how he was supposed to behave in his interview. They had already agreed on meeting today and so Taehyung exhaled deeply before lifting his chin and then pushing the door open, stepping inside the dance studio with confidence.
"Hey, you're here already.", he was greeted at once and smiled at the older who was now grabbing his towel to wipe the sweat off his face.
"Yeah, I guess I'm a little early.", he responded and then threw a short look at Jungkook who was standing in the other corner of the room, shyly looking at his hands.
Taehyung took a moment to let his eyes wander up and down his body, surprised to realize that he was looking at lot better than only a month ago: his cheekbones weren't as hollow as before and he seemed to have grown at least three centimeters. Apparently, he was finally eating enough and taking better care of himself which might also fit together with the fact that he was sleeping at Seokjin's place ever since they got out of that crazy game by Shelsey – who by the way had left town with his son the exact day they got out too.

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