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"What the-?!", he shouted at the grey-haired.
"I thought you delivered the money!"
Yoongi sighed and lowered his head, not even trying to talk back at him. Seokjin guessed that he was still quite scared of him because of his height and broad shoulders. Apart from that he'd never seen him mad before so this was definitely a new and frightening experience but he didn't really know for sure since nobody could read Yoongi. The thing was that this time, Seokjin was really, really angry. He was angry that Yoongi was standing here with nothing but a blank expression on his face, not doing a thing to fix his mistake.
How could he have the courage to tell them about what happened tonight and not be ashamed of himself?
Or if he was, why wasn't he showing any guilt?
"Answer me for Christ's sake! What happened at the drop-off?", he growled and placed his hands on his hips. It had been hard enough for him to get a hold of this sum of money but it had been worth it since Seokjin thought that it would bring Jimin back for sure and now he stood there, being told that Yoongi messed up. And all that because of their teacher or whatever.
As if that wasn't enough, Namjoon hadn't even looked at Seokjin once since he entered the basement, just taking off his jacket and pouring himself a drink from Yoongi's shelf. If he was being honest, the oldest could use a shot as well but he was still the only one with a car here so he had to stay sober. Apart from that, he didn't want to drown in frustration and instead finally find a solution to this mess. He was done with all of the threats and stress.

"I'm sorry it didn't go very well but we also got a lot of new information that could be useful. We'll get him back, I promise.", Yoongi insured him and Seokjin couldn't help but chuckle with a sour undertone.
"As if you'd care.", he hissed in irony and Yoongi growled.
"I do care! Why does everyone keep telling me that I'm a heartless monster? Just because I don't kiss y'all every time you walk through the fucking door doesn't mean that I don't have feelings. I don't need you to pretend I was the bad guy here, I'm trying to get this stupid pink-haired asshole back just as well as you are."
Nobody said a word after Yoongi's statement and the grey-haired sighed and lowered his chin again. He probably realized that he was kind of disagreeing with himself in just two sentences.
Jungkook cleared his throat to break the awkward tension in the air but when Seokjin, Namjoon, and Yoongi all looked at him directly in the corner of the room, he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Okay okay, I won't make a sound. Let the grown-ups talk and all that shit."
He was right, that was the message they'd sent him before already even though he was just maybe 5 years younger than Seokjin. Still, the brunette had to admit that Jungkook wasn't really acting his age at all so maybe it was a little unfair to let him stand there in silence. It wasn't a question he wanted to be answered now though so he just pushed it back in his head and turned back to Yoongi.

"You're pathetic. You really are.", Jungkook mumbled when they still didn't get to a solution after Yoongi had told Namjoon and Seokjin everything else they'd found out from the red-haired:
There were a total of four guys in their twenties in this gang, all of them taking shifts to guard Jimin. Usually, there were two of them at the pool: one in the hallway to the pool he was in and one at the front door while the other two got to rest. Apart from that, they'd been told that Shelsey's son was the head of this organization and got financial support from his father's college fund for him. They had paid off Yoongi's supplier to not sell to him anymore since – for some reason – he held some sort of personal grudge against the grey-haired. They didn't really want to take over the business, they didn't want to win. All they cared about was that Yoongi lost which wasn't exactly helping the situation. When asked, he hadn't explained anything though and Namjoon seemed just as clueless as the others as to why someone would want to destroy Yoongi so badly. He had no idea about the background story and Yoongi pretended not to know either.

"And do you have an idea?", Namjoon snapped at the younger and threw him a deadly glare that made Jungkook wince. Seokjin was surprised as well since it wasn't like him to be so harsh to anyone but it was more than understandable since the situation pressured them all. Before this comment, Namjoon hadn't really spoken to the black-haired, outraged about the fact that he would go behind his back as he did with Yoongi. Seokjin knew that he was trying to hide it but he was more than mad at them both.
"Well, I think that we don't really have a choice, right? If they won't let him go then we need to get him out. They're only two, we're six. It's an easy calculus don't you think?", Jungkook spoke up, voice calm and a little bored, sassing his elders with his attitude.
Seokjin could see the color disappear out of Namjoon's face and he was already starting to get worried but then he remembered that they were in a fight and therefore not really on good terms. He had to push his instinct to walk over to his boyfriend and hug him to the back of his head and rather focus on what Jungkook had just brought up. Sure, there was no doubt that the teenager was completely insane and tired of living but he had a point.

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