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When Hoseok returned to his room after class, he threw himself onto his bed, front down on the mattress, and let out a long and frustrated groan. History of dance was his most hated subject and they had just written a test that he was sure he'd fail. In everything practical, the brunette was an A-student and none of the teachers could say a word against him but when it came to learning numbers by heart and names of famous dancers of the 19th century then he just didn't see the use and therefore didn't study very well. He'd tried but apart from the fact that he wasn't good at it, the situation they were in didn't really provide him with much energy to sit in the library for hours and hours.
Screw it, he thought to himself and buried his face in the soft pillow. His curly hair was spread on the fabric and tickled his nose but he didn't move. His muscles were still burning from his late-night-workout yesterday since he and Yoongi had talked for hours until around 3 am. They were both restless and when the older said he wanted to go outside to get some air, Hoseok had gone to the studio to sweat it out. Literally. It always cleared his head when his body was aching and his heart beating in his chest like it was about to explode. After that, he'd gotten a long, hot shower, a cup of coffee, and breakfast before he went to class.

It was four in the afternoon when Hoseok decided he was going to go look for Yoongi. He hadn't seen the older since yesterday evening since he'd skipped class today and hadn't been to their room at all. Even though he wasn't scared something might have happened, he was slowly getting sick of having to look out for Yoongi. If only the other would finally learn to take care of himself. Again, he was worried that the grey-haired was throwing his life away out of frustration or whatever else and Hoseok could understand why. Sure, the situation they were in was hard but that didn't mean he should let himself go like this.
The brunette carelessly threw his sports bag in the corner of his room and headed towards the heavy metal door. Their dorm room wasn't exactly what you would call luxury but at least it was enough space for him and Yoongi. The only furniture they had was one bed, a tiny desk, and a shelf that they tossed their clothes in. Yoongi had to sleep on the mattress that they had put on the floor so that they could share the room. The older didn't have the money to pay for his own room or live on his own so Hoseok had taken him in about mid-semester last year when he found out about it. He wasn't sure if the teachers didn't mind or really didn't know but so far nobody had complained about them using a solo room for two students.

With a sigh, Hoseok grabbed his keys and phone and threw one last glance over his shoulder into the small, brightly lit room with a huge window showing the forest behind campus. Then, he closed the door behind him and rushed down the hallway towards the stairs, taking two at a time so he wouldn't waste that much time. His first guess as to where Yoongi could be were the studios the music-students were allowed to use in their free-time but since he hadn't been to class, it wasn't very realistic that he was still in the university building. The next logical location he could be found would be the headquarters in their secret basement so he decided to leave through the back-exit and hurry towards the cobbled path that led towards the train station. If he really was there smoking or drinking, Hoseok would have a serious conversation with him but maybe he was just taking some time off then maybe it would cheer him up to see that he was looking for him. Yoongi didn't admit it, but the brunette knew that he was actually glad people cared about him and he liked being looked after. It sort of improved his self-worth in a way.


Hoseok had to hold his breath when he entered the basement through the heavy metal door and a frown appeared on his face when he looked around in confusion.
What was-? Oh, wait....

He could see Yoongi standing behind one of the couches that had been pushed away from the wall a little to make space for a board. Even without seeing his reddened eyes, the brunette was sure that he had smoked again and couldn't help but sigh in frustration. They had had this discussion so many times already, he wasn't going to achieve anything anyway. Maybe it was better like this but then why did Hoseok feel so guilty about letting him drink and get high? Yoongi had such potential to actually become someone but he threw it all away with drugs and alcohol. Not that a bit of marihuana could kill you, Hoseok liked it himself from time to time but as soon as it turned into an addiction, things were going downhill.

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