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The café was strangely empty for this time of day but Seokjin guessed it was because of the bad weather of November. It was like the sky wanted to warn everyone with its dark color but it wasn't raining. Still, he could understand that not as many people were willing to go out and have a cup of coffee or whatever on an afternoon like this – which was on a weekday adding to the greyness outside.
Actually, Seokjin enjoyed autumn - or fall, whatever you want to call it - because of the variety of moods that nature presented itself in at that time of the year. The season was the most colorful one to him, not just because the leaves of the trees literally changed from green to red, yellow, and purple, also because it could be sunny one day and windy on the next and then a thunderstorm would crush over the city at night and it was all so unpredictable and beautiful.
Apart from that, he could finally wear layers again, not like in summer where he'd always be too hot in his fashion style. It was just that t-shirts didn't fit him too well and so he preferred wearing long-sleeves and a jacket on top. He was always neatly dressed and didn't want anybody to think he showed up in his home-wear. Fashion was an important way of presenting his identity so he enjoyed the time when it was cold outside and he could start wearing his cardigans and trenchcoats again, along with the boots that he loved too much.

He was about to go to the kitchen and have a chat with one of the chefs there when the door-bell made him stop in his movement and rather turn around to see who was entering.
Automatically, a smile formed on his lips when he recognized Namjoon with Jungkook and immediately started walking over to them to greet them.
"Hey there! What's up?", he asked before pecking his boyfriend's cheek and giving a short nod to Jungkook who just looked to the floor when their eyes met for a second.
Aghh... it's nicely warm in here. Jungkook, do you want something? I'm paying."
Seokjin smiled and took the jacket that Namjoon was handing to him, hanging it up at the stand that was next to the door for customers. Since Jungkook didn't seem to want to take off his jacket, the oldest then guided them to a free table, discussing their order quickly. It was like the black-haired was way too shy to accept Namjoon's offer to order something from his money but after a while of persuading, he ordered a chocolate milkshake and Namjoon took a grande cappuccino.
"I'll be right back then.", Seokjin answered and threw them a smile before going behind the counter to prepare their drinks. While he was at it, he might as well make a cup of coffee for himself, nobody would mind, right? He could just put his tips in the cashier as payment, it wasn't like it made much of a difference.
While he was waiting for the milk to heat up, Seokjin turned his head and glanced at the table where his boyfriend was seated. He was in a conversation with Jungkook, leaning forward a little with a concerned expression on his face.
Was there something wrong with the younger?

Actually, Seokjin had thought that he looked really good, considering that he'd been to the hospital until two weeks ago but apparently, there was something wrong with him otherwise Namjoon wouldn't be like this.
Or was he maybe misreading the situation?
No, the brunette was quite sure that he knew him enough to read his facial expressions until now, he'd just ask if something was up when he was done with the coffee. Well, obviously, Jungkook was still wearing a bandage around his shoulder, at least that was what it looked like – him holding his arm in the exact same position the entire time he'd been here – and he would guess that he was still a little weak from the operations. But hey, he could walk without crutches again, that was nice.
Seokjin knew that ever since he'd been let go from the hospital – Namjoon paying the bills with his own money – he'd slept in the basement at the train station even though he'd offered about ten times that he could live with him too. The younger always just mumbled something about being a bother and now being able to afford it like he was going to ask for money in return. That kid was really impossible...

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