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The car ride was more than stressed out for every single one of them. Seokjin kept wiping his forehead to get the nervous sweat off of his skin in order to stop it from getting into his eyes whereas Jimin was sitting on Taehyung's lap, Yoongi on Hoseok's in the front seat and Namjoon was trying to take care of Jungkook by letting him put his head down on the white-haired's thighs. He was still unconscious and every time they went around a corner, Namjoon had to hold him so that he didn't get pressed against the car door. Taehyung sighed and turned his head to the right so that he couldn't see the blood-smeared teenager anymore and instead look out the window where the street-lights were passing them quickly.
Jimin had fallen asleep in his lap, head leaning back against Taehyung's shoulder with his pink-hair tingling his neck. The former blonde felt a shiver roll down his spine. He was so worried about his friend that he couldn't bear it anymore. When he'd first seen him standing in the water, drained wet and completely exhausted, Taehyung's heart had almost stopped. He'd looked like a broken angel, like a bird that had fallen from the sky. Jimin's collarbones were sticking out and his cheeks were hollow with dark circles underneath his eyes from being starved for days and probably not getting a lot of sleep there.
Why was this happening?
Everything terrible was just crushing down on him and it was like his shoulders had suddenly doubled their weight because of all the bad things that had been going on in the last couple of weeks. He was sure that he wasn't going to get over this in his entire life.

"Alright, I need a destination soon, alright? Where are we going now?", Seokjin broke the silence and broke Taehyung's spiral of thoughts.
"Headquarters", Yoongi responded within a second and both Hoseok and Namjoon gasped.
"Are you serious right now?", the brunette asked with a blaming undertone and Yoongi turned his head to look at him.
"We need to get Jungkook to the hospital, isn't that obvious?"
Namjoon agreed immediately: "Exactly, he was shot for Christ's sake. He needs medical attention as soon as possible and you're not going to stop me."
Taehyung was surprised about the way they were both disagreeing with the grey-haired. They were teamed up against him in order to save Jungkook and it made his heart a little lighter. They actually did care about them after all.
Yoongi groaned in frustration but then lifted his arms in defeat, motioning them to go ahead and do whatever they want. Hoseok sighed, content with the feeling of having convinced Yoongi to do something he didn't want together with Namjoon. Honestly, Taehyung hadn't thought that it was possible at all so this was actually a positive surprise.

"Which hospital?!", Seokjin asked, hands clenched around the steering wheel, so hard that his white knuckles could be seen. His voice was louder than before and everyone could feel just how tensed up he was about the situation. Not only that he was driving around with 7 instead of 5 people in his car, one of them was unconscious and bleeding out, the others were drug dealers or kidnapping victims. If anyone would have told him this would happen a year ago, Taehyung was sure that Seokjin would have laughed it off but now it was reality.
"Search "dongsanhospital" and get directions please!", Namjoon ordered but no one felt like they were the one talked to so basically nobody did anything.
"Yoongi! Get out your phone and google this goddamn hospital!"
The grey-haired winced when his name was called out, but he obeyed and didn't even complain one single bit. Taehyung felt himself stop trembling after a while and then let his head fall backwards against the seat and closed his eyes.
It was over.
They saved Jimin.
He was back home.


They arrived at the hospital about fifteen minutes later, the last part of the drive spent in complete silence. When they were in the parking area, Seokjin stopped the engine and turned around to Namjoon, locking eyes with him immediately.
"What now?"
"Huh? Get him in!"
Seokjin swallowed and lifted his shoulders.
"Sure, but what are we going to tell them? We need to have our story straight, otherwise, we'll all be arrested within a second. What happened to him?"
Taehyung bit his lip and furrowed his eyebrows.
Shit, he was right.
"Right...", Namjoon said and scratched his neck with a concerned expression.
"What are you guys brooding about?", Yoongi broke the silence and shared a glance with Hoseok who only nodded and smirked at him.
"It's easy.", the brunette continued and now everyone was looking at them with curiosity in their eyes.
"We were out together and got mugged or does anyone here have a lot of money?", Yoongi said with a tone as if that was the most obvious thing in the world and Taehyung had to admit he was surprised.
This really was a plausible story to tell as to why Jungkook had been hit by a gun.
They tried to run away but then he got hit so that they gave up their money and the mugger let them leave.

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