Chapter 1

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Addisons POV
I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I had a headache so I decided to try and sleep some more. I was drifting off when I heard a knock on my door. "What?" I asked groggily. "Adds? It's me Dixie. Can I come in?" Asked a voice that was all too familiar. I smiled. "Of course." I answered.

Dixie came in, but instead of saying anything more, she shut the door and laid next to me on my bed. "What did you want?" I asked. "To hangout with you." She said. I could hear the smile in her voice. She made me so happy. I snuggled up closer to her and closed my eyes again.

Next thing I knew, I was waking up to my phone buzzing. When I opened it I saw it was almost noon and I had loads of messages. People were asking if I was ok or if I wanted to go out. I said I was fine and was just taking a break. It's not often I get a day off anymore. I rolled back onto the bed but hit a lump. I turned and remembered Dixie was there. She stirred and opened her pretty eyes before stretching a little.

"The sun makes your freckles look cute." I chirped, gently poking each one on her face. Her cheeks turned a light pink and she rolled the other direction.

I decided to get up and start a live on tik tok since I didn't want to post anything else today. I started it and decided to dance a little. I decided to do Get Busy and caught Dixie staring at me through the front facing camera. I kept going through my sounds and part of Sweater Weather played. I heard Dixie start laughing and then get up to walk over.

We both read some comments. That's when I noticed most of them were shipping us and saying we were cute. Typical. Dixie and I have been best friends since she came to the Hype House, but nothing more even if our tik toks got a little risky. But what really caught my eye were the comments mentioning how Dixie was in my bed and how her hair and clothes were a mess. And how she wasn't wearing pants. How had I not noticed that?

I knew what they were suggesting and looked at Dixie. Her cheeks were pink again and she swallowed. Then she stood up. " I'm going to change." She said before leaving. That was sudden, I thought. But I finished up the live before going to change too.

I decided to dress simple but cute, wearing the tight little flower dress I stole from Charli. I put on a little makeup and brushed my hair and teeth before going downstairs.

In the kitchen I found Avani. "Look who finally decided to get up, lazy!" She snickered. "Whatever." I said giggling. "Was it because you had a hot date?" She smiled looking me up and down. "Stop! This is so simple." I said looking at my dress. "Yeah cause you're so basic Addy." She joked. I punched her playing and started laughing. She laughed too pushing me back. We were messing around before I heard someone walk in. It was Dixie. Her eyes looked at me then Avani and back to me. I saw her eyes flick down my body before she made eye contact again.

"I'm going out!" She announced before leaving. She seemed angry. "What's her deal?" Avani asked. "I don't know." I shrugged and walked to the living room. Dixie has been acting strange, and I wanted to find out what was going on. But I didn't want to push her so I left it alone for now.

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