Chapter 5

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Addisons POV
It had been around a week or so since Dixie came out to me. She has since come out to the Hype House and they were all accepting. She also posted that tik tok she made and people were very supportive there too. I was so happy for her. She deserved nothing less.

But since she told me, I've been noticing things. She's become more clingy and touchy and she has been sleeping in my bed for 5 days in a row. I can't say I hate it though. I've been lonely ever since Bryce.

Every time I take her hand or pinch her face I notice her cheeks light up a little.

I was getting suspicious that she has been lying to me a lot. She's hiding something but what?

"Hey Adds! Wanna hang out later?" It was none other than Dixie. "Sure thing beautiful. Those jeans make you look hot." I said smirking. Her cheeks turned pink again and she avoided eye contact.

See there she goes again. I'm missing something but what!

Anyway Charli knows who Dixie likes but won't tell me. I wanted to help set her up. Or at least meet the girl. I'm her best friend and therefore her wingwoman.

Dixie walked off and I decided to finally force it outta  Charli. I knew I could break her.

"Charli!" I yelled. "Yeah?!" She yelled back. I found her out by the pool. It was getting warmer and I wanted to tan so I put on a suit quick before sitting next to her.

"What is up with Dixie?" I asked. "Ugh again?" Charli said. "I told you Addison I don't know anything." She rolled her eyes. Good start I thought.

"Yes you do! Tell me who Dixie likes!" "No for the hundredth time!" She said. "Come on charli. I just want to set her up!" "That would be hard." She mumbled. "What? Why?" I asked. "I don't know." She said turning the other way.

"Fine. You want it the hard way I'll give you the hard way!" I picked her up and threw her in the pool laughing. "Addison my make up wasn't waterproof!" She screamed. "Please what do you wear? Mascara?" She started laughing.

"Really Addy, if Dixie wanted you to know she would tell you." Charli whispered after getting out. "I know but she won't tell me and I don't know why she can't trust me." I was getting impatient. "Does she really like me? Or am I fake to her?"

My eyes welled up at that. Dixie was my best friend and the thought of it being fake was too much.

"Oh Addy, no no. It's ok. Trust me Dixie likes you more than you will ever know." She said. "You think so?" I asked wiping my eyes. "I know so." She said.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked. Charli sighed. "This is really eating you up huh?" I nodded.

She looked around for a second before leaning close to my ear. "Addison are you really that blind? Dixie likes you. Like, like likes you." Charli looked in my eyes to gauge my reaction.

How could I not have seen it before! The cuddling handholding compliments blushes. It made sense. I really was blind. "Addison you'll catch flies like that. Are you really that shocked. I mean look at you! You have great personality and looks! Who couldn't fall for you?" Charli said hugging me. "Besides, I thought you guys had already hooked up. Dixie hasn't slept in our room in forever!" I blushed.

"Thanks. For everything Charli." I smiled.

Time skip to night*

Still Addison POV

I was alone in my bed pondering what Charli said. Dixie likes me. But do I want her too? I'm straight I know that. But, oh my god maybe I feel the same. I mean I love being around Dixie and talking to her and cuddling and holding her hand. Her hands are soft, I wonder if her lips are that soft. Oh no. What am I thinking?

I guess it wouldn't be too bad a thing if I liked Dixie right? No wait it could totally ruin our relationship. Ugh! I'll just go with it and see what happens. Plus I can't keep dangling myself in front of Dixie. How long can she resist?

A/N. Woo another chapter. No one is probably going to read these but they are here anyway. Next chapter might get a little spicy. Emphasis on little.   

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