Chapter 25

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Addison POV

It had been almost a week since the party. Dixies parents were furious when they found out what had happened and wanted both Dixie and Charli to move back home which was understandable. But we talked and Thomas helped to work it out and promised that Charli and everyone was safe now, as Bryce had gotten kicked out of the Sway House and had lost loads of followers after all the drama went viral. There was no way for him to get out of it by that point and he was forced to moved out of state back to his home town for a while, until everything died down.

And I was overjoyed! That meant Dixie didn't have to leave and Bryce was gone! Sure it was a lot to go through but at least it worked out.

Currently Dixie and I were basking in the sun by the pool in matching bikinis. She was watching Tik Toks as I struggled to put sunscreen on. "Pix? Can you help?" I asked as I huffed and handed her the bottle. She smirked as she got up to come over.

"Why do you call me Pix?" She asked as she put her phone down and picked up the sunscreen. I smiled. "It's short for Pixie, which I picked up from Charli calling you." She hummed in response but said nothing more. "Do you mind? I mean I don't have to call you that." I said unsurely. After all the drama I had felt like Dixie and I were delicate. But I knew now that we would be fine. "No I don't mind. Roll over." She said and I did.

"But," she began and I frowned. "What?" I asked.

"I would much rather you call me daddy."

She snickered as I felt her warm hands glide over my sides to put on the sunscreen. I shivered and blushed as she continued to massage it into my skin. Soon enough though she stopped and walked over to the pool to rinse her hands off.

I took a deep breath and sat back up to watch her. "Hey remember those pictures Bryant took?" She asked as she walked back over. I nodded. "Do you want to post them? So we can come out?" She asked. I smiled as I took her hand. "Sure." I said as I watched her put together a post for Instagram eagerly. She tagged me and captioned it "hi baby 🖤" with her signature black heart. I smiled as she posted it.

I soon remembered something too and went through my saved sounds on Tik Tok. I found the one I wanted and made Dixie get up. "I don't want to dance." She whined and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just look cute." I said. "It should be easy."

She blushed and walked over to where the lighting was nice. I set a timer and the music started going to the "I've met someone who makes me feel sea sick.." and we twirled a little and hugged before leaning in to kiss at the end. But the video stopped right before.

That didn't stop me from leaving a light kiss on Dixies lips. She made a tik tok too and had me sit on her lap for it. She played it out and we both said the same words. "Girls wanna play with boys. And the girls wanna play with girls." She smiled as she posted that one too. I was happy that I had finally come out. Most of the scariness was gone and it was just freeing.

All the weight had finally been lifted.

Dixie POV

I stared at Addisons tanned face and smiled as she looked so happily through her kind comments. I was glad that Bryce was gone and knowing he would never hurt anyone I loved again made me happy.

I frowned though as I watched Addisons phone light up with her moms contact. She sighed and I took her hand as I gave her a thumbs up. "You can do this." I said and she smiled before answering.

"Hello? Hi mom. I'm good. Yeah. Oh you saw it. Yeah it's true. I'm bi I guess, but I don't really want to label it. Yeah. I don't know for a while. Dixie helped me figure it out. What's going on with us? Well. Yeah. No mom. We're dating actually. Yeah. That's okay by you? Oh my god thanks mom. I love you too. Yeah I'm happy too. Is that dad? Hi dad. Yeah. Thank you. Well I'm so glad. I knew you would be supportive. Yeah. Okay. I love you too. Bye." I got her side of the conversation and I could tell it had went well.

She hung up and hugged me as I felt happy tears fall down her face. "They still love me." She whispered. I giggled. "Of course they do! Congrats baby." I said as I wiped her tears. "How does it feel?" I asked. She grinned. "Amazing! I'm finally free!" She said before connecting our lips.

I was a little surprised but closed my eyes and kissed back in a victory kiss. We could finally be happy now. We both sighed as we pulled away and Addison climbed into my chair to spoon me.

We cuddled in the sun for a while and swam around for a bit too. We just spent the entire day together, watching a movie or two, talking, listening to music. Addison even made me do stretches and tried to teach me a backflip as I tried to teach her the basics of field hockey. We shared laughs, a few bruises and scattered kisses as the day slowly winded down.

Before I knew it we were showering together and changing before climbing into Addisons bed. I smiled contently as I curled up with Addison. She sighed and settled in, while turning off her phone.

"I love you." She murmured as she turned to kiss my lips before cuddling into my chest. "I love you too." I said as I kissed her head and closed my eyes.

AN ughh you know me I can't keep the drama too long. I hate sad endings so cliche I made a happy one. Either way I hope you like it

And if you've been here a while you know the next chapter will be spicy and steamy so beware. I kinda have another new approach to it but that's all

Bye bye thanks again for all the support I wouldn't have gotten here without you guys!

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