Chapter 15

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Dixies POV
Addison dragged me down the stairs so naturally I had to race her and jumped the last two steps. This also caused Addison to trip over my foot and fall on her face. "Ow the fuck!?" She yelled as she stumbled to get up. I held her hand and helped her up. I hoped it wouldn't leave a bruise on her gorgeous face, not that I would care. "I'm sorry." I whispered as I took her face in both hands and kissed her nose. Her cheeks were warm. She pouted and I smiled. "That's it?" She continued to pout. Her signature pout made my heart skip a beat.

"That's it horny-I mean honey." I smirked as I walked to the kitchen. She rolled her eyes and sat at the counter. I looked up a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and when I looked up I noticed Addison already lost in thought. "Hey we can just chill if you want time to think?" I said snapping her out of it. I knew everything we had said was a lot to handle and she was probably overwhelmed. "No it's fine. What are the ingredients?" She asked getting up. I began reading them aloud and Addison picked them up.

"Six eggs.." I read out. "Geez! How many cookies does it make?" Addison asked as she put on some music. "40?" I said unsure. "Oh my god we better double it then!" She giggled making me laugh. We calmed down and Addison walked up to me slowly hugging me and placing her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and played with her hair. "I love when you do that." She whispered. "I know." I smiled. Her hair smelled nice, like coconut.

Soon enough Addison and I were coated in flour as we mixed up the dough. Why was baking so hard? Either way we ended up throwing three trays into the oven and set a timer. We shared several defeated glances as we faced the mess in front of us. Ingredients everywhere and a mountain of dishes. I groaned. "Fine I'll do the dishes you do ingredients." "Deal." She muttered as she got to work.

Surprisingly it didn't take too long, aside from the fact I got distracted watching Addison dance to her playlist. She twirled around and grabbed my hands as "You Belong With Me" came on. (Old school t swizzle really hitting different) "dance we me!" She pleaded and she started moving to the beat. I frowned.

"You know I can't dance..." I muttered. "Then I'll teach you." She giggled as she took my hands and placed them on her hips, with her hands over mine. I rubbed circles with my thumbs and smiled as she moved her hands to my neck and pulled me close. We started swaying to the beat and just gleamed at each other.

"She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers!" Addison started singing and I swear I could stay here forever. I was so whipped. We started spinning and twirling and shuffling all while singing. "Seeeeee! You belong with meee!"

Addison broke apart and started going off on her own solo as the guitar solo came on. "I remember you driving to my house...." We sang together and danced as the song eventually ended. Addison jumped on the counter and I walked up between her legs and wrapped my hands around her back, with hers back on my neck. She pulled my face close to hers and I could feel her breath hitch as I ran my hands lower.

"Hi.." she said as she closed the distance. The electricity never fails to run through my body when our lips connect. We moved in sync and her lips tasted like cherries and love. I refrained from slipping tongue as I figured the kiss was too sweet. Still I was in a trance and I closed my eyes and leaned into Addison, as she did the same, grabbing at the hair at the base of my neck.

We were jerked out of the trance as the timer buzzed. Addisons face was flushed and my cheek felt warm. I bit my lip, "I wonder if these cookies will taste as good as you." Addison smiled as she hopped off the counter and helped take the cookies out.

We talked for a bit and ate a good amount of cookies each as the day turned to night. We were both laughing at something she had said when suddenly the door swung open and of course, it was Charli.

"Hey" She said and walked into the kitchen and looked around. "Geez what happened? Why are you covered in flour?" She asked walking over. "Cookie?" I asked holding one out to her. "Yeah sure," she mumbled as she hopped on the counter. She started munching on the cookie and looked away into space. That  wasn't like her. I looked at Addison and we both raised an eyebrow at each other.

"Hey Char? Is something up?" Addison asked as she sat next to Charli. "Yeah Chase and I just got in a fight. It's no big deal I don't want to talk about it. I just need space I think" She said stomping off upstairs. Addison gave me a worried look and I shrugged. She glared at me. In any other life we would be mistaken as an old married couple.

"Seriously? You aren't gonna talk to her?" Addison said crossing her arms. "She wants space so she can have it." I said as I ate another cookie. "You're so useless." Addison sneered as she walked over. I rubbed melted chocolate onto her nose and she scrunched it up as I licked it off. "Ewww" she groaned. I laughed and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Suddenly she jumped up and I had to grabbed her butt to catch her as she wrapped her legs around my middle. She stuck her head in my neck and left a gently kiss. "Carry me I'm tired." She mumbled and I smiled as I walked us up to her room.

I giggled as I felt her give me butterfly kisses in my neck. I see why they call them that as they like butterflies in my stomach. I plopped her on the bed and kissed her cheek as I went to the dresser and found her a pair of shorts and one of my many hoodies she had stole for pajamas. I also grabbed myself one and decided to keep on my sweatpants. I changed my shirt and walked over to Addison, handing her the clothes.

She quickly put them on as I watched, memorizing the curve of her stomach and the shape of her chest in a sports bra. "Perv." She muttered as she threw on the hoodie. I smirked, "you're just too beautiful I can't look away." I muttered as I climbed into her bed with her. "Thank you." She said as she laid down. "But I'm sure I look like trash."

"Non sense!" I yelled as I tackled her down and pinned her arms. She gasped and I moved my hands to her waist as I laid behind her and spooned her. We got comfortable and I slowly drifted off, my body tangled with her.

After such a long and pretty heavy day, it was nice to relax and just spend time with Addison. "I love you" I whispered as I drifted off to sleep.

AN ughh so I had to re write this chapter too but oh well. I hope you like it and yes it was pure fluff fight me. Also I smell a little you guys ship Charli and Chase/even like Chase anymore or should I put charli with someone else?  However Dixison will stay the main focus. Anyway yeah new chapter will be sometime in the future and you can't go wrong with a little baking bonding 🥰☺️

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