Chapter 33

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Dixie POV
I woke up to Addison out of bed making a tik tok. I rubbed my eyes as I listened to her shuffle around and dance. Then she stopped, sighed and let out a quiet shit as I figured she messed up.

"Can't dance huh?" I asked as I sat up. She squealed and walked over to me, abandoning her tik tok. I smiled as she came over and sat on my lap. "You're up!" She said as she gave me a light kiss.

"Yeah, how long was I out?" I asked as I looked at my clock. Well it was 6 am when I got up and now it was 6 pm. I guess my sleep schedule could use some work.

"I'm only like 2 hours! I thought you died from embarrassment or something." She murmured as she hugged my chest and giggled. I laughed. "No I'm over that whole ordeal. Well.."

I pondered for a second. Charli. She was the one who got us caught. I frowned. That little turd. Classic little sibling move.

"What?" Addison asked curiously. "Charli still hasn't paid." I said as I cracked my knuckles and Addison laughed. "Come on Dix it's not her fault." She argued but I just shrugged.

"Still. I have to get even." I said as I stood up. Addison just rolled her eyes. "Fine just go easy on her." She said as she went back to her tik tok.

I got up and went to Charlis room. I figured she was still in there. I knocked on the door then decided it was only fair if I just barged in. Naturally she was making a tik tok. Man it's like the hype house followed us home.

She groaned as I came in and bombed her tik tok. "Dix come on that was the best one." She sighed as she put it in drafts. "So just post it." I said as I sat down. Charli laughed. "Yeah not with all those hickeys on your neck. How did mom and dad not notice?"she asked.

I glared at her. "They did notice. When you got us caught." I deadpanned and Charli just rolled her eyes. "Well you know better than to hook up in the house." She scolded.

"Okay first of all you aren't mom. And second it's not just hooking up. That makes it sound like it doesn't mean anything." I combatted. Charli scowled. "Well then what would you call it? Making love?" She said sarcastically.

I blushed a little and looked away. "Yes." I said quietly and Charli just fake gagged. "You're gonna make me barf." She said as she laughed. "Well it's not my fault I actually care and want her to be happy!" I said and Charli just yawned.

"You're so whipped Dix. Don't worry it's a good look on you." She snickered. Now I was pissed. How come she knows exactly how to push my buttons?

"You know what?! This is not why I came in here. I came in here to yell at you for getting us caught!" I said as I stood up. "I didn't get you caught. You shouldn't have been hooking up with mom and dad home!" She said as she stood up.

"Don't call it that!" I yelled and Charli looked away, a little hurt. I softened. Usually Charli was pretty nice and quiet, she didn't usually get so worked up like this.

"Look Dixie I just, I- don't need this right now." She sighed as she turned away. I groaned. "Char I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault okay? I was just kidding around and then you hurt my ego." I chuckled and Charli giggled.

"What?" She asked as she sat down again. "It's just that everyone always says I seem like such a boss ass bitch who doesn't care what people say. And you're making me seem like a softy." I admitted and Charli laughed.

"That's because you are a softy. Addison brings out that side to you and it's cute. You guys are cute." She trailed off and looked away. I frowned. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She took a deep breath. "It's just hard. Seeing you two be so happy and stable and open. I can't look at you guys without wishing it was me and Avani instead." She said and I took her hand as I processed what she said.

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