⚠️Chapter 37🔥

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AN you already know what it izzzzz😌also don't sneak out and do dumb shit unless you are a professional idiot just a little PSA and as always proceed with caution your innocence might take a beating on this one 👀

Addison POV
"Shut up its literally fine! You're just a wuss." Dixie whisper yelled to me as she sat on the edge of her window sill with me trying to stop her from jumping out.

Now we were both pretty reckless and confident and that often led to some horrible ideas since instead of having logic we just had fun.

But even I knew this was too far.

"Dixie you have a front door let's use it! Where are you gonna jump to?" I asked. We were currently sneaking out to go to some place Dixie was taking about. It was late and I didn't know what was happening to be honest.

"I don't know the ground." She said freshly and i pouted. "Don't get all bitchy on me Pix. I just don't want you to fall and die." I said as I grabbed her arm and hugged it.

She smiled. "I know. But trust me." She said and I frowned as I let go. I was gonna regret this wasn't I?

She took a deep breath and jumped out of the window before landing on a tree branch and crawling her way onto it. She turned and flashed me a mischievous smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on!" She said as she stuck out a hand. "No way in hell! Are you crazy?" I asked and she shrugged. "Actually yes I am insane but trust me." She said honestly.

"Baby.." I whined and she smiled at the pet name. "Seriously Adds come on. I promise I'll keep you safe." She said softly and I sighed as I climbed out the window and sat on the sill.

My heart dropped as I looked down. Dixie must have seen me get nervous. "Eyes on me! Keep your eyes on me I know you want to. I'm just so sexy." She cooed trying to keep me calm and distracted.

And honestly it worked. Dixie huddled up in a tree. The breeze going through her hair. Her wearing boots and a fleece. Maybe I had a thing for forest Dixie.

I gulped as I kept eyes on her and prepared to jump. "Ok jump and grab my hand on 3? 1, 2, 3!" She called and I jumped off the window and landed on the branch with Dixie holding my hand firmly, her other on the tree.

I sighed and we slowly climbed down the tree before getting to the ground. I happily laid down and Dixie laughed. "See I knew you could do it." She said as she sat next to me.

"Ok now what?" I asked and she shrugged. "We can go skinny dipping in my pool. And if you really feel like it get freaky in the hot tub." She smirked and I gave her a face.

"Dix your family is home. And we can't get caught again." I said and she sighed. "Fine let's go for a drive then." She suggested and I nodded as we went to her car, avoiding the camera littered around her yard.

We giggled as we wandered through the dark to her car. It was weird. Having that same thrill of sneaking around come back. And I kinda missed it. After coming out we didn't need to hide but here we are.

We hopped in and Dixie started up the car before handing me the AUX. "I'm always on AUX." I whined and she shrugged.

"I like you and consequently like your music taste." She said and I smiled as I hit play.

We drove and drove and I figured there was no destination. Just fingers interlocked on the armrest, wind blowing through the open windows and my Gaylist playing on the speakers.

But then Dixie took a turn and we ended up on a cliff over looking the town. It was peaceful and surprising beautiful. And super cliche.

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