⚠️Chapter 26 🔥

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Yup you guessed it more steamy scenes coming. Proceed at your own risk

Addison POV

I watched frozen as Dixie punched Bryce until she hit him into the sky. Then she turned to me and pushed me onto the bed and my breath hitched as I looked down and realized we were both naked. Her face was vivid and I stared as she kissed up and down my body before meeting my lips. It felt so real. She pulled away and moved back down as my back arched. Just as I felt her slowly putting her fingers in...

I shot awake and sat up my breathing fast and a wet throbbing between my legs. I blushed and realized what had happened as I felt my cheeks and they were hot. My breathing slowly calmed down. It was just a dream.

But my breathing picked up again as I heard Dixie wake up. "Addi?" Her sleepy voice whispered into the dim light. It must be really early in the morning. I turned to look at her, my breathing still fast and my heart pounding. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" She asked as she put on a light and pulled me close to her. But I couldn't see her the same right now and blushed at the contact. I gulped and shook my head. She pulled my face to look at her and she seemed concerned. "Okay? What did you dream about?" She asked.

I bit my lip and looked her in the eyes. I felt bad for waking her up but I was so horny. "You." I whispered as my cheeks warmed up again. Her eyebrows screwed up as she searched my face. Her hands felt my hot cheeks and she smirked at my fast breathing as a knowing smile took over her face as she realized what had happened.

"Did you have a wet dream, princess?"

She asked innocently as her hands fell to the hem of my shirt. I bit my lip and nodded, averting eye contact as my cheeks got hot with embarrassment. I couldn't get any other words out as my hormones worked on overdrive. She clicked her tongue as she brought my face back to look at her.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's totally natural." She said as she kissed me sweetly, but it lit butterflies inside of me and I let out a whimper as she pulled away. She rose her eyebrows and smirked at me before looking at me playfully. I could only watch her as I was frozen in place.

"You know," she said. "I could make that dream a reality if you wanted?" She asked as she played with the hem of my shirt. I knew it was wrong and way too early, but at the same time I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep unless some sort of satisfaction happened so I nodded eagerly and Dixie giggled.

"Okay then, needy girl." Dixie whispered as she flipped me onto my back and straddled my waist. My breath hitched and I sat higher up on my pillows to get comfortable. Dixie smiled before connecting our lips and kissing me more passionately as she pulled my shirt and bra off, disconnecting us for a second, before throwing them to the side.

I hoped she would make this fast before the others woke up, and because I was super turned on already from the dream. But them she slowly ran her hands over my breasts squeezing them gently. I choked back a moan as I squeezed my eyes shut. I needed this and faster than the pace she was setting.

"Dix?" I asked and she paused to look up at me, slightly concerned. "Yeah?" She asked. My heart fluttered at her respect for me, and I realized she would stop in an instant if I wanted to. "Please don't tease me. I know you want to get me back from last time, but I seriously don't think I can take it." I pleaded and she smirked.

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