⚠️ Chapter 11 🔥

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Guys I'm going to hell 💀 be warned this chapter contains smut 🍋

Addisons POV

Dixie crawled farther on top of me and slowly set my head on the pillows so I was comfortable. She was so sweet. She then leaned in and kissed me sweetly on the lips. It was so passionate and loving, it made me swoon. I figured she was trying to take it slow.

I took initiative and licked her bottom lip and sucked on it telling her it was ok. She quickly stuck her tongue in my mouth and I held back a moan at how good this already felt. We hadn't made out like this in a while.

She continued to run her tongue over my mouth before leaving my lips and moving to my jaw and neck. I had had boys kiss me like this, but Dixie was ten times better. She paused quick and whispered.

"You taste like peanut butter and jelly." She smiled against my skin. "That would be thanks to my ice cream and strawberry lip gloss." I smiled. (Last chapter Addison ate peanut butter cup ice cream lol) I had never felt so good. She continued kissing and licking my neck before finding my pulse point where she nibbled lightly before sucking on it.

It lit butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't help but moan softly. I quickly bit my lip feeling embarrassed. "That was so hot." Dixie smiled again before moving down to my collarbone. I guess she likes it.

Dixie came back up to my lips and gently ran her hands over my body. "I want to know every single curve on this perfect body." How could she be so sexy? And still sweet? I couldn't take it.

"Mmm" I mumbled against her lips as she kissed me deeply again. She brought her hands up my back and back down to the hem of my dress. I put my hands in her hair since I had to grab something. Her hair was just as soft as her lips.

I felt her slowly dipping her hand under my dress. "Take it off." I husked. My voice surprised me at how deep it was with lust. "Are you sure?" She whispered again. I took my hands out of her hair to grab her hand and force it to hike up my skirt.

"Don't be such a tease..." I whispered. "Someone's horny, I can fix that." Dixie smirked before pulling my dress up and over me. She sat there and admired me for a minute, running her hands up and down my sides and stomach.

She was straddling me at this point. "You are so pretty Addison." She cooed. I blushed. She had seen me in a bra and underwear before, but I guess she had enough respect to not check me out. But now she had full range.

I felt uncomfortable under her staring and decided to rip off her shirt too. Imagine my surprise to find she wasn't wearing a bra. "Yeah um- I don't usually need one I'm so flat." She looked away and whispered to me. Now I haven't really ever checked out another girls boobs before but I was basically drooling.

"Stop Dixie you are so perfect." I said pulling her closer. "My turn." I breathed in her ear again. She hugged me and I felt her fiddling with my bras hook before it came undone in an instant. She was good.

She slowly pulled it away and just guacked at me. She threw my lacy bra to the side before leaning back to me and kissing me again. "Addison you are so gorgeous." She cooed again while rubbing my sides again.

She then ran her hands up and over my breasts and back down. I gasped into her mouth before grabbing her shoulders. She kept rubbing up and down before slowing moving her lips down my body. She kissed my neck again, then my collar bones and then down my chest before slowing kissing between my breasts and down my abdomen all while leaving gentle love bites.

I was already sweating and breathing heavy. I really was trying to hold it together and I guess Dixie could tell. "Addi just let it out. You need to enjoy this." She whispered to me before rubbing my breasts. I couldn't help it and moaned louder.

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