Chapter 35

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Addison POV
I woke up with a start and kinda freaked out because I wasn't in my room. But then, like every other morning, I remembered I was still in Connecticut with Dixie. Speaking of Dixie she was stilling sleeping next to me.

I looked over at her peaceful face and my heart fluttered. I smiled as I gave her a peck and went to get up. But I felt a warm hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back.

Before I could protest her lips were on mine in a loving kiss. They were chapped since she had just woken up and they worked slow like she was still dreaming. I mean it did feel like I was dreaming.

I moved on top of her and laid down on her chest and I snuck my arms around her waist. She held her hands on my hips and rubbed small circles on my hip bones with her thumbs.

She let out a content sigh as I nuzzled my head into her neck and left her soft kisses all over the skin. I took notice that up close I could still see the faint mark of the love bites I had left days ago.

I smirked as I leaned in and kissed over one again before biting and sucking on it lightly. Dixie hummed in approval and gripped my hips. I kissed the spot one more time before pulling back and kissing her on the lips quick.

I put both my hands on either side of her ribs as I pushed my self up to look at her, almost as if I was doing a plank on top of her. I smiled and she gave me a dazed and sleepy smile back.

"How can one person be so horny all the time?" I asked playfully. Dixie just closed her eyes and smirked. "Because I wake up to you everyday." She whispered as she took her hands away and rolled back over.

I was about to lay down with her when my phone lit up. Curiosity got the better of me and I went to read it. I took note that is was 9:34. I guess that's kinda early. And it was a text from Avani.

Avani: You're still at Dixies right?

I was a little confused. She knew that already right? Actually she had begged me to come back multiple times because she was lonely, but I never actually did. And honestly I kinda felt bad, maybe I should have gone back, I mean Bryce was finally leaving so I would be safe. Speak of the devil. Another text. And here I was thinking I had blocked him on everything.

Bryce: hey Addi just saying this is your last chance if you really want me answer me back because I really do love you and don't want to give up on you. But after Dix busted my face I realized she really loves you too and I guess I sorta get it now. I just want you to be happy Addison and I'll never forget you. See ya around

I had to admit that was probably the nicest thing a boy like Bryce could tell me. I guess he wasn't completely horrible, he was still a human, but I knew I wouldn't be answering back. I gave it a smile and then I switched focus back to Avani.

Avani: hello!?
Addison: yeah I'm still here why?
Avani: is Dix up yet?
Addison: no why Avani you're freaking me out
Avani: sorry I just sent you a package and I want you to go see if it's there yet
Addison: yeah ok weirdo lol

I was pretty confused but leaned in to Dixies ear as I put my phone in my pocket. "I'm going to get something I'll be back." I whispered as I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and she mumbled something incoherent as I got up and left. I went down the stairs quietly. Since it was a rainy Saturday everyone was still sleeping in so I tried not to wake them up.

I finally made it to the front door opened it as slowly as possible so I didn't wake up the dogs. I knew they would go berserk if they were up. I swung the door open and immediately I gasped and threw a hand over my mouth. I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing there was non other than...

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