Chapter 29

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AN heyyyyyy how y'all doin?
Ok I'm gonna try my best here but I've never had my wisdom teeth out so I'm going to be using Dixies YouTube video as reference. this is the link and I will probably use direct quotes from it along with my own dialog but before you @ me this ain't friggn English class and I'm not using proper citation for my direct quotes lmao 😂 jk

⚠️also no there isn't smut but there is a lot of swearing and some horny jokes I just wanted to warn you just in case but it's not too bad in my opinion

Addison POV
I woke up in Dixies arms and squirmed until I was facing her. "How ya feeling?" I asked as I pecked her lips. All I got in response was a long groan and her getting up to go to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes as I got ready.

I just put on some black leggings and one of Dixies big sweatshirts before waiting for her so we could eat breakfast. She stumbled out of the bathroom and stripped out of her t shirt and shorts before throwing on a sports bra, sweatpants and one of Charlis sweatshirts. I hid my blush as she walked to me and took my hand to lead me downstairs without a word.

"Good morning girls." Heidi said cheerfully and Dixie just grunted. "Good morning." I said as I sat next to Dixie. "We don't have much to make right now but we have some cereal in the cabinet if you want. I'm going to go get ready." Heidi said as she put her empty coffee mug in the sink and went back upstairs. I nodded and Dixie laid her head on the counter with a thump.

I frowned as I scooted closer. "What's wrong baby? Are you nervous?" I asked as I took her hand. She grumbled as she finally looked up at me. "No. I'm just tired, you kept punching me all night." She said as she smiled. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I moved onto her lap. "Sorry." I was facing her and I rolled my hips forward and wrapped my legs around her as we sat in her chair, and I snuck my arms around her neck.

She smiled and then giggled. "You actually hit me in the boob once which hurt hella bad but you never woke up." She said and I laughed as I pulled my hands away to squeeze her chest. She blushed and pushed my hands away. "Hey!" She exclaimed. "They seem fine to me." I said nonchalantly as I leaned in and hugged her. She hugged me back.

"Hey I need you to film me for my YouTube video." She said as I pulled away and got off her lap. "Yeah of course. I'll get all the most embarrassing parts." I said as I made us each a bowl of cereal. After that we went back up stairs to finish getting ready.

I was laying on Dixies bed as her and Charli talked off to the side, when Heidi came in with a camera. She was clearly filming as she walked to Dixie and asked her if she was nervous. "Nah, I feel like it's gonna be easy." I smirked at her cockiness.

Side note I hate the word cockiness with a burning passion like who ever thought it was a good idea because you can't look at it without thinking 🍆

She turned to me and said. "Addisons here too." I smiled and waved as she panned back to Charli. "Wait can you keep your teeth?" She asked and Dixies face lit up. "Yes!" She exclaimed and I found it both disgusting and endearing.

Soon enough we were saying goodbye to Mark and Charli and Charli gave some sarcastic moral support as we finally left. On the ride over Dixie gave me her camera to film with. "Don't make fun of me." I looked over at her. "Huh?" I asked. She sighed. "Im not nervous for the surgery I'm nervous for all the stupid stuff I say after." She said smiling. I smiled too. I had seen Dixie when she was high and it wasn't pretty. She swore a lot and had the tendency to both laugh and cry at the same time.

"I won't." I said as we finally pulled up. "Alright are you guys ready to go?" Heidi asked as she shut off the car. We both said yup and hopped out. Dixie checked in and Heidi and I waited with her until the doctor came out. She seemed nice.

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