Chapter 38

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Dixie POV
"I don't know what you expected to happen." Charli sneered and I rolled my eyes as I refocused on my parents and they're scolding glares.

"Look I'm sorry and it won't happen again. But I'm not a kid anymore I can handle myself."

"Apparently you can't be sneaky though." Avani whispered playfully and Charli giggled. I shot daggers at them.

"We know Dixie we just want you to be safe. And that means no sneaking out to have sex." My mom said and I lost it.

"For the last time THERE. WAS. NO. SEX!" I lied and I clapped between each syllable.

"I'm sorry alright?" I pleaded. Completely over this and the peanut gallery that was Avani and Charli mocking me.

I'll out you guys I'm not even worried about it, I thought. But I wouldn't do that.

My parents rolled their eyes and shrugged. "Fine." My dad said simply and I sighed. "I guess you are growing up. Just be responsible."

With that I walked away and Charli and Avani followed behind. I turned to talk to them once they entered my room where Addison was taking a nap. I guess staying up super late had had its effect on her.

I wasn't tired though. Just sore. "Hey are you ever gonna tell mom and dad? No rush just wondering." I asked genuinely and they shrugged.

"Actually I already told them and they said they were happy. But then they gave me the whole a relationship is a big responsibility blah blah blah. But it worked out." Charli said and Avani nodded.

I just stared blankly. "And you didn't even tell us?!" This time we all turned to look at an annoyed and sleepy Addison.

She looked endearing with messy hair and sleepy eyes. Adorable.

"Sorry I guess it slipped my mind." Charli said shrugging as her and Avani left.

I just scoffed and hopped in bed with Addison.

"Hi baby, sleep well?" I asked and she sighed.

"Yeah actually."

"I really tired you out huh?" I asked teasingly.

She smiled. "Yeah I get it Dixie I'm kinda a lightweight." She closed her eyes again.

"Yeah or maybe I'm just really good at topping you." I sniped.

"Yeah ok slow your roll daddy." She joked giggling, but my eyes widened.

Call it a kink but being called stuff like daddy just hit different. And in the best way. But I never seriously said anything about it because I figured it wasn't a big deal.

Addison must have noticed my change in attitude because she gave me an odd look. "What?" I blushed and looked away. "What? What's up with you?" She asked as she poked my cheeks.

"Nothing." I said as I looked away. "You're totally blushing." She said which only made it worse. And her face turned into an evil grin as she put the pieces together.

"You like that don't you?" She asked as she pulled me down on top of her. I gulped. "What?" I asked, completely flustered.

"You like it when I call you daddy?"

She asked innocently with just the right amount of seduction. My breath hitched and I bit my lip, blushing harder. She smiled.

"Is it a bad thing?" I asked shyly and she grinned wider. "No, just good to have in mind." She shrugged.

I chuckled. "What?" She asked. I shrugged. "It's just funny finding all these kinks." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't have any kinks." She huffed and I scoffed.

"Yeah tell that to the hair pulling and bondage and dominance and calling me babygirl and being choked and scratching me and the lingerie..." I listed off and she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"You don't wear lingerie." She protested. "And you've never really choked me." I just shrugged. "But I could. Would you care?" I asked and her mouth opened and closed without a word as she looked away and blushed.

"Exactly. And my toys I have too.." "Okay I get it! I'm not perfect." She said throwing her hands up. "Nobody's perfect. Plus I like it when you get freaky. Maybe that's another one of my kinks." I shrugged and she sighed.

"One day when we don't have to worry about siblings and parents walking in we can go into all that. But for now can we just watch The Office?" She pleaded and I sighed.

"Sure." I smiled and cuddled up with her. We ended up watching the office for almost 3 hours when my phone started ringing. I looked over and grabbed it as Addison grunted.

"Shit." I murmured. It was Kate. "Hello?"

"Don't hello me Dixie D'Amelio! What the hell you've been home for 3 weeks and you don't even tell me?"

"I don't know I was keeping it low key. I thought I was going back to the hype house but plans changed."

"No I get it. You've just wanted to spend time with your other best friend." She said with fake hurt. I smiled.

"She's my girlfriend Kate. I told you that." Upon hearing the mention of girlfriend Addison looked up at me and away from the office. I made eye contact and smiled.

Kate sighed. "I know. It's just I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I mean schools almost out and we all leave for college next year. I want to spend summer with you before you leave." She whined and I frowned.

Next year was gonna be tough. Addison and I hadn't even talked about college and stuff. I was committed to Alabama but I still was refusing to accept that I would be leaving.

"I know Kate and we will. But I need to finish up school and the hype house stuff and then I'll be staying home all summer before I leave."

"Okay Pix. Don't burn yourself out okay?"

"I won't. I'll talk to you later."

"Trying to get rid of me? I bet I can guess why. Oh shit wait I'm not cockblocking am I?" She asked laughing and I laughed.


"Whatever. Bye Pixie I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." I hung up and sighed heavily.

"What's up?" Addison asked as she turned to me.

"That was Kate. She was calling to say she missed me and wanted to hang out this summer before all my friends leave for college." I explained. Addison frowned.

"I wish you didn't have to leave me." She pouted and I smiled. "I know. But we still have a while before summer even starts. We have time so let's not worry about it too much?" I suggested and she sighed again.

"Ok." She said before pecking my lips. I ended up continuing the kiss but then I pulled away. I wasn't about to have a make out session to The Office in the background.

Addison just smiled and we went back to cuddling and relaxing. I would spend as much time with her as I can.

AN I really have nothing to say other than this was a rollercoaster and got kinda weird but oops oh well I'm not sorry 😙😌

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