Chapter 3

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Addisons POV

I was walking back to my room when I bumped into none other than Dixie. "Hey beautiful. What are you up to?" I asked taking her hand. She pulled it away and kept walking. "Not much. I was gonna go get some groceries." She said. "Oh I'll come with you." I said walking behind her. "Nah it's fine." She said before running out the door.

What was all that? Is she trying to avoid me? I wondered. Now I really wanted to know what was going on. Maybe Dixie was just tired, but she seemed ok this morning.

Maybe I'll ask charli but for now I decided to go outside for a bit. The sun cheered me up.

After I walked back inside I guess I got lucky because I spotted Charli alone in the kitchen. I walked up to her.

"Hey" she said. "Hi, do you have a minute? I wanted to talk to you about something." "Sure what's up?" She asked looking at me. "Do you think Dixies been acting strange? Like do you know if somethings wrong?" I asked. "No I actually haven't seen her all day. Actually I guess that's kinda weird, I figured she was hanging with you." Charli said. "No she's been out on her own all day." I frowned. "Just talk to her when you see her, ok?" I smiled at Charli before going back to my room to lie down. I hope Dixies not mad at me.

Dixie POV

I walked back in the door with a bag full of fruit, bread and some milk only to run straight into Charli. "Hey Dix can we talk? I feel like I haven't seen you all day." She smiled. Ugh I'm not really in the mood. But I love Charli anyway. "Sure one sec" I said putting down the bag. I turned and looked at her. "Are you feeling ok? Is something up?" She asked. Ugh, Addison must have said something.

"No, I guess I'm just in a bad mood today." I said.

"Are you sure? Addison said you were avoiding her."

Yup I was right. Great now Addison thought I hated her. In reality I just didn't want to hurt her. It's getting harder and harder to control myself with her so I thought if I stopped being with her it would help.

"No I'm fine." I said starting to get annoyed. I turned to walk away, but Charli grabbed my hand.

"Dixie people always saw they're fine when they aren't. What's up? You can talk to me." She frowned at me.

"People say they're fine when they don't want to talk." I said getting angry again. Why was I so mad? I knew I could tell Charli but I somehow couldn't. No matter what I still wasn't sure how she would react.

"Here lets go to our room and have some privacy." She said leading me upstairs. We shared a room in the Hype House.

"Ok," she said sitting on her bed and patting a spot next to her. I sat down and looked at my hands. "What is going on Dixie?" She said again.

I sighed. "Charli there is so much going on. I can't even start." I said feeling sad. "Well talk to me." She said. "What if you hate me?" I asked. She was silent for a minute. I wondered what was going through her head. All the worst possible things I could tell her. Like how maybe I kissed chase or that I was pregnant or even worse that our grandmother had died or something. "Stop." I said taking her hand.

"What?" She asked confused. "I can tell you are thinking of all the things I could say." I smiled.

"Well lay it on me before I explode!" She giggled and that made me feel better. I didn't deserve Charli. I was so stupid, she would love me no matter what.

"Dixie just tell me. It won't change anything I promise. I'll still love you no matter what!" She said.

I was right.

"And don't say nothing's wrong, because there wouldn't be build up if it wasn't something." She smiled again and I felt like I was ready.

I sighed again before finally saying. "Charli, I think I like girls. Like in a not straight way. There I said it." I said quickly. I looked up at her face and saw so many emotions flash through her eyes. Charli was silent for a minute. Then she whispered "really?" I nodded. Suddenly she jumped in my arms and hugged me tight. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Oh Dixie! Why didn't you tell me! I'm so proud of you." She sounded like she was about to cry. "I love you charli." I said quietly. She pulled back but still held me at arms reach. She looked me in my eyes.

"When did you find out?" She asked. "I don't know. I guess I've always known." "Do you still like guys?" "I don't know. I think so but I've never been with a girl." "Never? Not even a kiss?" "Charli what?" I said giggling and blushing a little. "This is important. So do you like someone?" "Do you ever stop asking questions?" I said, but I was still smiling. It felt good to tell someone.

Charli looked away for a minute. Almost like she was thinking something through. Putting together the pieces. I saw it click in her mind. I gulped.

"Do you like Addison?" She whispered, so quietly I almost didn't hear.

But I did hear. And I froze. One question, one simple question lit so many emotions. I looked away. Was I really that see through? How easy could Addison figure it out?

"Yes." I whispered just as quietly.

"Woah." Charli sighed. "Wow!" She turned back to me and hugged me again. "But you can't tell her! Never please. She's straight and it would ruin our friendship!" I yelped.

"Okay okay. I promise!" Charli giggled. "I'm serious." I stated. "I'm serious too! But have you told her you like girls?" "No." I looked away again. "Are you going to? Because I could tell her if it's easier." Charli was trying to help but my mind was about to explode. I didn't know what I wanted to do.

Addison was my best friend and I wanted to come out to her, but at the same time I wanted to know what she really thought, and I knew she would tell Charli the truth.

Then it hit me. The perfect way to do it.

"No I got this." I said. I stood up and hugged Charli again. "And thank you so much. I didn't know how you would react but I'm so happy you still love me." I smiled. Charli smiled back and her eyes got all squinty like they do. "I will never stop loving you Dix. And I'm your sister, I'm here to talk if you need it and I promise I won't say anything unless you want me to." I hugged her again before leaving.

I had to find Addison.

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