Chapter 20

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Addisons POV

My hands were getting sweaty and I'm sure Dixie could feel it. In truth I was totally freaking out. I knew everyone in the house was accepting, but it was still real scary. Plus what if someone ended up telling the whole world before I'm ready? I only wanted to come out to my friends right now and maybe my parents if this went over well.

I had all the worst case scenarios going off in my head when I felt Dixie squeeze my hand. She smiled at me. It was then I realized how lucky I was to have her with me. I smiled too, although my heart was racing and my breathing was unsteady. I can do this, I thought. I took a deep breath and looked at Dixie.

She seemed surprisingly unfazed and confident. But then again, I knew her well now and knew she was just really good at hiding emotion. I could see a little fear behind her eyes. She turned to me and nodded. I nodded back and looked around.

Mostly everyone was home right now, and we even had some people over visiting. I had heard about them all planning on going to a party someplace but Dixie and I had declined, mostly because Dixie and I had photoshoots tomorrow. Actually I knew Bryce and Taylor were doing photoshoots too, but they were dumbasses and didn't mind showing up hungover and a little high.

I took one more deep breath before standing up and taking Dixie up with me. "Y'all I have an announcement to make!" I spoke, luckily my voice didn't break. Dixie rose both our held hands up over our heads. "We have an announcement." She said while smiling at me. Everyone looked at us expectedly.

"We're dating!" We said in sync and we both started giggling.

"Whoooo!" Troy yelled as he stood up and clapped, causing me and Dixie to laugh harder. Suddenly Avani and Charli stood up too. "Wow no way so are we." Avani said as Charli laughed. I squealed and congratulated them and so did Dixie. Everyone shared some congratulations and hugged each other.

I did notice that Bryce, Griffin, Taylor, Chase and Anthony looked a little disappointed. Bryce got up and left after whispering something to Griffin. I frowned as Griffin walked over to me and Dixie. I held her hand tighter. "Congrats, Pix." He said as he gave her a side hug. Then he turned to me and smiled. "Shit Addi you stole my girl." He chuckled. I smiled as he hugged me too. I guess he was okay.

"Woah woah woah!" Thomas called. "Okay I don't know what planet you guys are on, but it's clearly not the same as me. We can't have everyone in this house be gay, that will ruin the Hype! Addison, Dixie, Avani, Charli pack your bags you're outta the house!" He called. Everyone turned to look at him. We all kinda stood there in shock, and I took a shaky breath.

Well there goes my whole career straight down the drain. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Dixie yelled as she hugged my side. "Yeah what the hell man who cares about the hype?" Troy asked as he stepped closer to Thomas. Ondreaz and Tony stood up too. "Actually this house is mine, so you're out." Madi said as she stood up on a table. Larray hugged my other side and I saw Kouver go to Avani and Charli.

"Woah Jesus it's a joke come on!" Thomas said as he backed up with his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry you guys. I'm happy for you!" He said. Everyone rolled their eyes and scoffed. "Not funny bro." Tony said with scattered yeahs and yessirs around the room. "My god that reminded of that one episode where Michael Scott pretended to fire Pam!" Thomas said as he sat back down.

Ondreaz and Tony went around and told us congrats, along with Alex and Kouver and Madi too. I'm so glad everyone was supportive and cool about it. "Alright gang time to go!" Alex called out. "You guys sure you don't want to come?" Troy asked as he walked by us. "Yeah come on." Griffin said. "Nah we're good." Dixie said and I nodded.

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