⚠️Chapter 21🔥

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AN ok I know there's already a warning on the chapter title but I'm warning you again for two reasons. 1 I'm warning you because this might get weird and it will involve cuffs 👀 and 2 I'm warning you because this chapter might actually suck so bad I'm sorry

So yes be warned and skip to the next chapter if you're not comfy with this.


Dixie POV
I let myself be literally dragged up the stairs by Addison. That last 'Princess' literally lit a fire inside of her and I could tell as she smashed through her door and flung me to the bed. "Woah Jesus are you good?" I asked as I sat up giggling. She looked me up and down slowly and I shuddered as her eyes rolled over my every curve, before she bit her lip and smiled.

"No, I'm starving." She said. I gulped. She picked up her remote and changed her LEDs to a pinkish red color before unpausing her speaker which started playing her 'LOVE' playlist quietly. I've found Addisons playlists on Apple Music under @babyadds and I've been listening to them all

Then she walked back to the bed and laid down next to me as I scooted up onto the pillows. She followed me and pressed her body against mine as she swung a warm arm up and around my neck forcing me to look at her. We both just stared at each others faces and smiled. I could still smell the mint from my gum on her breath as she leaned in.

Our lips collided and slipped together as I tasted her. Her lips felt smooth and soft with the reddish lipstick I knew she was wearing. She looked good in red. I bit down on her bottom lip as she opened her mouth expectedly. I took a chance at opening my eyes and saw hers fluttering and them shut tighter as I slipped my tongue in.

Her cheeks were already flushed and she had such a relaxed expression on her face, almost as if she were sleeping. I could see every little detail this close up, every eyelash, every wrinkle even a few faint freckles in the dim lighting.

She moaned softly into he kiss as I massaged her tongue with mine and continued to move our lips together. I hummed into the kiss as Addison suddenly moved on top of me. I felt her weight push down on my stomach and I felt her legs squeezing my sides as she trapped me. Her arms snaked to hold the back of my neck as I snuck my hands into her hair and tangled my fingers in the incredibly long soft and sweet smelling locks.

It always amazed me how she kept her hair so healthy and soft, especially since it was so long and mostly dead from dying it. I raked my fingers higher up and scratched at her scalp as she pushed her tongue into my mouth, taking control. And I let her.

Soon enough her hands had found there way to my shirt hem and she slipped them under the cloth to run her smooth finger tips over my stomach and up my ribs. I shuddered and felt goosebumps rise on my skin both because her hands were cold and because it kinda tickled. I moaned though as she scratched me, digging her nails into my skin before rubbing it again.

"Thank god you didn't get your nails done." I murmured against her lips and she chuckled before she basically ripped my shirt up and over my head. I looked into her eyes and saw them locked on my abs. I looked down and noticed the scratches she had left. I hoped I didn't need a crop top for the shoot tomorrow.

Shoot! The shoot tomorrow! I thought as I panicked a little. "Baby, we can't leave more marks. The shoot." I whispered and she frowned, but nodded. Her chocolate brown eyes met mine and I flicked my eyes down to her chest. She smirked before grabbing the hem of her own shirt and lifting it up teasingly, before tossing it somewhere on the floor to join the sea of other clothes.

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