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So guys I prob won't be updating in a bit because all this drama with Dixie and griffin and Dixie being "homophobic" or "closeted af" just has me in a bad mood and idk what to think. So I'm gonna rant here:

First impressions: the memes are all funny af lmao

But for real I think this is going too far like if Dixie truly is straight I can see how it can be annoying to have assumptions made but she needs to realize that she is "famous" now and that no matter what she does or how much she denies it people don't give a shit and will continue to make comments about her sexuality.

And I truly don't know what I'm gonna do guys if Dixie does end up being homophobic because let's face it no matter how nice they seem the damelios are a picture perfect wealthy white New England family, nothing against them tho

But yeah I can't stand homophobia like I know the world is changing and fast but people need to realize that things are different and people are gonna do what they want and what makes them happy

And even if Dixie isn't just so far in the closet she's hiding in narnia and she is straight I don't care as long she's happy and starts just accepting that she seems "gay" because no matter how hard we try to not put labels on things like sexuality the stereotypes are just burned into us and we can't help it

So idk I just think she needs to deal with it in a better way instead of borderline coming for the lgbt+ community, because she is a teenager in our time too and everyone knows that we don't take any shit seriously and we cope with our problems through jokes and denial sooo

Idek whose side I'm standing on rn and I honestly don't even know what the sides are but i don't want it to seem like I'm just shitting on Dixie because I feel for her too and I know it's probably hard for her to be "famous" especially since she's so young and once tik tok blows over her future is still entirely open but she will work it out because no matter how hard life is you always find a way and it mostly works out okay

So in the end I'm just completely lost and don't know what to think but I know some things for sure:

-this whole thing is way more dramatic than it has to be
-if Dixie is purposely being homophobic I- just can't even fathom the AUDACITY she has
-this will work out in the end somehow, whether it's just that Dixie softens up and stops furiously denying everything and getting upset or (and I'm hoping for this one) Dixie comes outta the closet (but I still don't care if she is straight I mean you can't force someone to be gay or straight it's something you're born with as far as we know)

Thank you for coming to my ted talk and I am open to discussion and hearing what you guys think in the comments and I am open to changing my mind if something I said is not right because this is all kinda fresh and these are just my first thoughts and I'm sorry if you were expecting a chapter and not a rant

On a side note I'm almost done binge watching outer banks and I def recommend if you want teen drama and edge of your seat storyline and treasure hunting. Plus all the actors are ridiculously hot I mean come on

On a side side note I know it doesn't make sense with the story at all but does anyone ship Kiara and Sarah or is it just my gay ass? Nope? Ok..

Bye I love you all! 🥰

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