Chapter 6

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Dixies POV
I woke up to Charlis alarm going off. I groaned and rolled over. "Charli turn that off!" I yelled. She did and I heard her get up and leave. I was still in a bad mood. I had been ever since the other day. Addison has been acting weird around me.

That made me feel weird like it was my fault. She said she stilled liked me. I decided I wanted to ask her about it but not now.

Instead I got up and went to get some breakfast. I sat down at the counter and started eating some toast when I heard someone walk up. "Guess who?" They said covering my eyes. Classic. "Addison?" "Ah cmon." She sighed and walked to the other side of the counter.

I smiled and laughed at her. "You sound like a guinea pig." She said turning to look at me. "You look like one too." I gasped in mock shock. "How dare you?" "What? Besides guinea pigs are cute." I blushed.

Addisons POV
I had been testing the waters for the past few days. I was taking time to process that Dixie liked me more than a friend.

And my last comment seemed to set her ablaze as I saw her blush. I pretended I didn't notice though and went to get some cereal.

After that I sat next to Dixie and started scrolling through my phone and she did the same. I kinda liked that I made her blush. It was amusing that I had such an effect on her.

"Bye beautiful, lets hang out together later ok? Somewhere fun." I said standing up. "Sounds good." Dixie answered. I decided to have a little more fun. I walked up behind her and leaned close to her ear. I breathed hot breath on her ear before whispering, "then it's a date." I heard her inhale sharply then stood up straight again. With that I walked back upstairs.

Dixies POV

I think I've figured it out. I think Addison was trying to flirt with me. Oh no I thought. What if she figured me out? I decided to confide in my trusty sister Charli.

"Hey char?" I asked sitting next to her on her bed. "I need to ask you something." "What's up?" She asked turning her phone off. "I think Addison is flirting with me." "What? Why would she do that?" Charli asked in a high voice. I knew she was lying. "You told her!" I yelled.

"No no Dixie you don't understand! She wouldn't leave it alone I had to! She said she didn't care!" Charli said quickly. Oh my god Addison knew. But wait. "She didn't care?" I said confused. "No I don't think so. I wouldn't be so sure she was straight anymore either. She's been glued to you all week." Charli said. I pondered for a minute then left without another word.

"Bye! Good luck!" Charli yelled out. I decided to go drive around a bit to clear my mind.

Addisons POV

I had been thinking all day. And I've decided maybe I do like Dixie. No I do no maybe. But I didn't know what to do now.

I just liked her a lot. Being near her. Talking to her. Making tik toks and taking pictures. Making her laugh. Cheering her up. Making her blush. I wondered what else I could do to her. Make her squirm and scream.

I blushed quickly stopping that chain of thought. I needed to tell Dixie. She liked me back right what's the worse that could happen? And we have been great unproblematic friends so what could change?

I was happy I came to this conclusion. But I wanted to keep it down low. I didn't want people to know. I still thought I was straight. Dixie was the one exception.

Dixies POV

Addison knew I liked her and she still did all that stuff? I wanted to confront her but I didn't know what to do after that. I went all around the house looking for her. I found her in her room lying on her bed. God she was gorgeous.

"Knock knock?" I said opening the door. I shut it behind me. "Hey, I can get ready if you want to go out now?" She said sitting up. You're already looking fine I thought but didn't say it. I sat down next to her.

"We need to talk. Again" I said seriously. She seemed a little taken aback but looked me in the eyes. "Ok. I actually wanted to ask you something too." She said. "Go on.." I said.

"Why did you lie to me?"


"I know you like me. You said you didn't like anyone and you lied." Addison said completely stone faced.

"I-" I was shocked, I don't know why because I knew she knew but I didn't have an answered. I pulled it together soon enough.

"I- well- I'm sorry." I said. I didn't have it together. I broke down.

"I'm sorry I ruined everything! I know you don't like me back but I can't help it! I tried my best so we could be friends but now I don't know how to fix this Addy." I sobbed.

That's when I felt a pair of warm arms around me. "Shh" Addison cooed. "Dixie you have no idea. It's not ruined ok calm down."

"But-" "shh" I wiped my eyes and looked at Addison again. Her eyes seemed dark and her body stiff. "I know how you can fix it." She whispered. I shivered.

"How?" I whispered back. Her eyes flicked to my lips. I got the message and slowly leaned in. I stopped right before in case that's not what Addison was planning.

"Tease." She said giggling. I closed the distance and touched our lips.

Her lips were so soft and fit so well with mine. I went to pull back after the quick peck, my heart beating a mile a minute when Addison chased the kiss. She dove on me and kissed me harder than before. I was in a trance. I closed my eyes again and kissed back though. The kiss heated up and I was enjoying every second until.

"Ow!" I pulled back quickly and the kiss ended with a pop.

"You freaking bit my lip! And hard!" I said. Addison smirked. "Softy" she trailed off. I rolled my eyes.

Then it hit me. I just made out with my best friend. My straight best friend. There's no way she wanted to really do that she just didn't want it to be awkward right? She's faking isn't she? So many doubts raced through my mind.

But one look at Addison said much different. Her pupils were huge and her eyes were dark, almost black. Her cheeks were red and her face was flushed. She was breathing heavy too and her lip gloss was ever so slightly smudged. Her lips were just barely parted, and her hair was messy. She looked so damn hot.

I smiled and she smirked back. "Well don't just sit there! Kiss me." She said.

I leaned in again and it was pure bliss.

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