⚠️Chapter 16🔥

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In case you hadn't realized ⚠️🔥 means there will be smut in the chapter so um 🤭😳

Addisons POV

I woke up to the surprising warm blanket that was Dixie. She had a tendency to move a lot in her sleep and she always ended up all over me. I wiggled a little underneath her and soon felt my toes tingle with pins and needles. Great my legs are asleep. I sighed and decided to lay there for a bit longer until Dixie got up.

That thought quickly died however when Dixie moved and flung her arm right on my face, which surprisingly hurt a lot. I hissed in pain and pushed her off of me as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands (wash yo hands) I looked up in the mirror and gasped a little. I had a purpley shadow riding up the bridge of my nose.

I touched it gingerly and soon heard movement. I had left the door open and looked up to see Dixie shuffling toward me. "Whatcha doing?" She asked wrapping an arm around me, which somehow managed to hit my arm, sending the fingers I had hovered over my nose directly into the bruise. "Ow!" I groaned as pain shot through me face. I instinctively scrunched up my nose which only made it worse.

"Oh shit sorry! What happened?" Dixie asked as she curiously moved my hands from my face. I looked up into her eyes and lowered my eyebrows. "This is your fault." I grunted. "What? I'm sorry Addi I didn't mean to...I" I smiled a little but tried to hide it. She looked so worried that she had messed up big time.

"No, it's not that deep.. after you tripped me it left a bruise." She examined my face and gave my nose the absolute most gentle kiss she could before looking back into my eyes. "Sowwy." She said in a baby voice as she squeezed my hand before walking to find her phone. I rolled my eyes.

I tried putting concealer over it but it was too tender and I couldn't. So I gave up and left it. I decided to hop in the shower real quick. As the hot water hit my body I tried to relax. But in truth I hadn't felt relaxed since the day Dixie and I had talked. I rubbed shampoo through my hair as I thought the same thoughts over again.

That's all I had been doing, thinking. Thinking about maybe I like girls? I didn't know, I hadn't been with a girl, besides Dixie. And she was amazing. In every aspect, including in bed. Wow ok slow down, but maybe that was the key factor because she felt better than any boy I had been with.

(Side note I remember I said Addison was a virgin and I don't really know why but I really meant she hadn't done it with a girl I changed the old chapters to make it clearer)

Well maybe I hadn't found the right guy? I still liked boys and I would never forget the boyfriends I had had. And sure my feelings for Dixie were strong, but I still had felt that same feeling with other guys, so maybe I liked them both? I still couldn't make up my mind since everything was new, but I had one conclusion.

I wasn't as straight as I thought. After Dixie explained her own experiences, I realized that I had felt things for girls in the past. I guess she was right, in the end.

I was jutted out of my chain of thoughts when Dixie jumped into the shower making me jump and yell. "Shhh it's just me I'm sorry I thought you heard me come in! I wanted to know what was taking so long?" Dixie looked genuinely concerned. "I- I was deep in thought" I mumbled as I hugged Dixie and rested my head in her neck.

Her arms found their way to my waist and she nodded. "Can I ask what you were thinking?" I smiled. "I think I have an answer to how I feel." Dixie shifted and I guess she was looking at me now, but I didn't look up. I went on, "I guess I'm not 100% straight, I mean as far as I know I still like boys, like I've actually been attracted to them. But you helped me realize I've had feelings for girls too." I finally looked up and Dixie was smiling as she kissed my head.

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