Chapter 27

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Dixie POV
I laid awake in bed with a naked sleeping Addison next to me and I scrolled through my phone not paying any attention to it. Because all I could focus on was the sharp pain in my jaw.

I had been to the dentist and knew I would have to go home in a few days to get my wisdom teeth taken out, but I wished the time would go faster. I had been having toothaches for a while but starting this morning they were almost constant.

I let out a loud sigh and got out of bed to get some Advil and I came back to see Addison awake and on her phone. She looked up at me and smiled as she opened her arms. I smiled too, knowing that I made her happy.

I climbed into her arms and cuddled with her. She had put on one of my shirts but it was thin and I could feel everything through it. I blushed a little as she moved in to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss, but she didn't pull away and I was a little surprised.

Then she suddenly stuck her tongue in my mouth and I almost choked as she attacked my lips. But I kissed back anyway. Then she reached her hand up to grab my face and it shot pain through my jaw.

"Ah!" I groaned as I pulled away and stroked my cheek. Addison mumbled a sorry as she came closer to me and looked at my face with concern. "It still hurts huh?" She asked and I nodded.

"I have to fly home soon and get them removed." I said and Addison frowned. "I'm gonna miss you. I'll have nothing to do all week." She sighed as she got up. The sad look on her face made my heart clench.

Then I had an idea hit. "Addi why don't you come with me!" I said as I hopped up too and walked over to take her hand in mine. She thought for a moment and her face lit up.

"Yeah I don't have anything important happening! Are you sure?" She asked. I smiled widely. "Of course! My mom said she booked a flight in two days." I said and Addison smiled. "Sounds perfect!" She pecked me on the lips and turned. "I'm gonna go shower. Join me?" She asked as she lifted my shirt a little to splay her warm hands along my abs.

I shuttered and knew for a fact that she was still horny. But my head and mouth hurt and I wasn't in the mood so I took her hands and shook my head. "Sorry babe I'm not really feeling it." I said as I looked away. She frowned at me.

"Besides I have to wash your sheets." I said smirking. She rolled her eyes playfully. "Fine. I'll be done in a bit." She said as she walked away into her bathroom and shut the door.

I smiled as I collected her sheets. Trying my best to avoid touching the damp spot that was still there.


A while later I was sitting at the counter trying to eat some apple sauce when Charli and Avani came down giggling. I smiled at them and Charli walked over.

"Morning Dix." She said as she sat down. "Applesauce huh." Avani said as she sat across from me. "Yeah my teeth kill. Charli you're coming home right?" I asked and she nodded. "Okay well I'm bringing Addison too since you are useless." I snickered and Charli gasped.

"Hey wait! Avani do you want to come too?" Charli asked hopefully and we both turned to look at her. "Sorry baby I have a photo shoot 3 days from now." She said sympathetically. Charli frowned. "Shit we'll be gone by then." They sighed and I felt a little bad.

I hadn't really asked Charli how her and Avani were doing, but I figured she would talk if she wanted to. "Alright but you better send me the pictures." Charli said as she got up and gave Avani a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and Avani smirked.

"Do you mean the nudes or the ones from the shoot?" Avani said playfully and I laughed as Charlis face went red. "Vani!" She groaned as she walked away up the stairs. Avani laughed as she sat with me and sighed.

"What's up?" I asked as I tried to choke down the rest of my applesauce. "Not much." She said.

"How are you guys?" I asked trying to break the ice. I figured I'm Charlis older sister and also Avanis friend so I should be there for them. "We're amazing. Charli is a amazing." Avani said as I watched a completely love filled smiled take over her face.

But then she sighed. "But, we are kinda in a weird place. I told Charli I wanted to come out to our fans and she said she wasn't ready. And I tried to understand, but I don't know. I feel like she doesn't think we're a real thing." Avani admitted. I frowned.

"Of course she thinks you're a real thing. She loves you Avani and I do too. I have a feeling about you two. And trust me you are 100 times better than the stick." We both laughed.

"Just wait for her okay? Maybe a second apart will help her realize that you are more important than the drama and fans." I said and she smiled as she hugged me and got up. "Thanks Dix." She said meaningfully as she left.

I sighed as I pushed my applesauce away. And laid my head on the counter. "Need help with that?" I looked up to see Addison holding my spoon and eating some of it. I smiled and shook my head.

"I can't eat it." I said and she pouted. "Come on Pix aren't you hungry?" She asked and I shrugged. "Maybe this toothache will help me lose some weight." I said as I laid my head back down.

I heard the spoon clang back in the bowl and rustling before I felt Addison crawl onto my lap and hug me, while burying her head in my neck.

"Dixie Jane you don't need to lose any weight. You are perfect and beautiful just the way you are and I will love you no matter what." She said sternly and my heart melted as I gripped her tighter. She really is a keeper I thought to myself.

"Thank you." I whispered into her hair and I felt her smile against my neck. I then felt her giving me butterfly kisses on my neck and started giggling.

"Stop that tickles!" I said as I tried to push her away. But she just started tickling me with her hands instead and we fell to the floor in a pile of giggles.

AN so I'm gonna do the idea since you guys seemed to like it but I had to set up a little for it.

Also side question but you know how when you go to someone's account and it says how long ago they joined Wattpad? How long ago does it say I joined? Just curious

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