Chapter 36

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AN no, no smut I know I'm sorry it's a curveball but for the first time it didn't match up with the chapter 😖 but if y'all want to next one can be smut 🤷‍♀️ but enjoy I guess a fluffy double date

Dixie POV
I was busy messing around on my phone waiting for the other girls to finish getting ready. Finally Addison came strutting out in a simple bit pretty cute outfit. I swear she can pull off jeans any day of the week.

I smiled as I called her over for a tik tok I've been waiting to make in a while. She smiled as she sat with me and waited. The audio played out and I tried my best to be seductive.

🎵do I make you horny baby🎵

I mouthed along and bit my lip smiling as I watched Addisons jaw drop open before she nodded her head fiercely.

We started laughing and soon the audio ended. I figured it was good enough so I posted it and watched as comments and likes poured in.

Addison even commented "no 🧢" which I liked. She chuckled before scooting closer to me and pushing her way on my lap. We made eye contact and she smiled as she leaned in to my ear.

"You really do though, you know that?" She whispered and I licked my lips. "I could say the same thing." I whispered back as I kissed her jaw.

She sighed. "I say we ditch and finish this." She said as she tugged on the strings of my sweatpants. I smiled and clicked my tongue.

"We can't finish what we never started. Be a good friend." I said boldly before pushing her off my lap and getting my phone again. She sighed and pouted.

Maybe I would help her later tonight but today was about fun. After all Chavani and Dixison were going on a double date! All I wanted was a nice day with fun and no drama.

I checked the time and realized it was almost 11 and we were leaving soon. Just on time Avani and Charli scurried down the stairs. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go!" I yelled as Addison tossed me my keys and we went to leave.

"Where are you ladies going?" Shit. My mom.

"We're gonna go hang out at the carnival in town. Is it okay?" Charli asked and my mom sighed as she nodded.

"Stay out of trouble." "We will." I called as we left and hopped in my Jeep.

We drove for a little while blasting a few songs of Addisons playlist before making it to the parking lot and parking. We paid for the tickets and decided to take some pictures in front of the entrance before heading inside.

It was amazing. Screams, smells, sweat and a stuffy atmosphere filled with people. Chaos. And I loved it. Avani and Charli held hands as they guided us.

We decided to play some games first. We went to the classic ring toss and naturally I failed miserably along with a stubborn and sad Charli and a competitive Avani. Avani frowned.

"This is rigged." She complained and Addison just shrugged. Well would you believe when the girl miraculously landed a ring on the only gold bottle.

The bell rang and even the guy at the stand seemed surprised. "Shit even I thought this was rigged. Here that's a gold prize." He said smiling as he handed her a ticket.

She frowned. "What is this?" She asked and he chuckled. "Oh you hand that in before you leave so you don't have to carry a huge prize around."

"Huh that's actually really smart." I said as I walked over and took the ticket. Addison smirked. "Hey I won that fair and square." She pouted. "It's more romantic to give it to your girlfriend." I chided.

Charli rolled her eyes as Avani laughed. "Damn yeah wait you guys are from the hype house. Man seems like this town is teaming with gay people." The boy said and I smiled. "I just wish I knew where to find them." He sighed and we all chuckled.

"Don't worry you'll find someone. And for the record the boy in the booth next to you is pretty hot." I said laughing as Addison punched my arm. "Thanks for the advice. Now here's mine, I'd go ride the Monster Coaster." He said before leaning in closer.

"Trust me your girl will be all over you." He whispered and winked as I smirked.

And he was right. Addison was terrified the whole time and clung to me screaming. She wasn't as bad as Charli though. I knew she hated rollercoasters but this was an all time low. I'm surprised Avani was still alive after Charli squeezed her to death.

We all wobbled off and Charli was literally shaking. "Okay that is the last one for today." Charli deadpanned. "Chill baby you're fine." Avani said sweetly as she wrapped an arm around Charlis shoulder.

We had basically rode every coaster and played most of the games, and even went back to see if the guy had made his move. Either way I could tell we were all getting tired.

"Hey why don't we go get a snack?" I asked.

"No I'm about to puke." Addison complained as she took a deep breath. I smiled as I took her hand. "Okay why don't we ride the Farris Wheel and watch the sunset?" Avani asked and we all agreed.

We waited in the line which had gotten shorter since most people had left. I knew the place closed at 10 and it was 9:27. We hopped on with me next to Addison and Charli huddled with Avani.

They were adorable. Charlis arms wrapped up around Avanis waist, her face resting on her chest. Avanis chin sitting on Charlis head as she put an arm around Charlis neck.

I felt Addison shift beside me and saw her wrapping her arms around herself. It had gotten colder and it was even more cold at the top of the wheel. I offered my hoodie and she smiled as she took it.

We eventually stopped at the top, as the wheel stopped to let you enjoy the view. We even took a few more pictures just because the reds and purples of the sunset were gorgeous.

We all sat in silence as we slowly descended back down.

Once we hopped off Charli suggested we go to a diner. I loved that diner. Char and our family used to go there often, on Sundays and lucky for us it was open late.

We ordered our food and dug into the piles of fries and burgers and waffles and milkshakes. We talked and laughed.

I had to admit I didn't think this day could go any better. We paid up and left a generous tip since we had ordered so much and were probably the loudest people possible. Plus it was almost 11.

After 12 long hours of fun we went home and settled in the living room to watch a movie. I made some popcorn and I cuddled up with Addison under the blankets.

There was no funny business this time though as I knew she had fallen asleep when her body got heavy. I smiled as I curled up with her and fell asleep myself, completely drained.

AN hahaha this was such a shitty chapter and I'm sorry. I know it's kinda rushed but I'm running low on inspiration and I'm exhausted because today was the last day of school for me and I literally had to do all my assignments I had procrastinated on 👀

Either way I hope you liked it.

And maybe y'all have noticed but I did publish a new book but idk if I'll keep updating I'm still on the fence if I like it or not but idk

Bye bye also should next chapter be smut? 😳 to make up for this one?

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