Chapter 22

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Dixies POV
I woke up to every muscle in my body both in good and bad pain, I couldn't really tell. I stretched big and realized I was naked and quickly looked to the door. It was locked, thankfully, so even if Charli wanted to she couldn't bust in again.

I looked to my side and saw literally the most angelic creature ever. Addisons gold shiny skin was draped in her silky sheets and her hair was laid out beautifully somehow. And she had the most relaxed face, while she was deep in sleep, and it made her look younger and happier, without all the stress of the world on her shoulders.

I knew damn well she was naked, but I couldn't help but take a picture. I'd check with her later, just to avoid any conflict. I yawned and my heart fluttered as I looked at the picture. I looked back at Addison and couldn't help myself, I let my hand reach out and stroke her incredibly soft hair and along her cheek.

Her face scrunched up as she slowly opened her eyes and groaned. She blinked a few times as she looked at me. Then soon enough a smile grew on her face as I'm sure one grew on my face too.

"Hi." I mumbled. "Hi," she mumbled back groggily as she turned to stretch. I watched, mesmerized, as the skin of her back moved as her muscles tensed and relaxed. I reached out to rub her back when I noticed something. A faint reddish blue mark on my wrist. I gulped as Addison turned back to me.

I rubbed my wrist with my other hand and noticed a mark there too. Addisons eyes widened as she reached for my hand and gingerly stroked my wrist. "Shit, Pix." She murmured. "Nah it's okay, it doesn't hurt." I tried to reassure her. It really didn't hurt too bad, it was more just embarrassing as I imagined myself chained up literally begging for Addison.

I swallowed hard as I remembered Addison last night too. Her as a top really hit different in all the best ways. "The photoshoot though." She said as she looked me in the eyes. My eyes widened. The photoshoot we had with Bryant was today! I looked at my clock. 12:50. Addison followed my gaze.

"I guess we were both exhausted after last night. Good thing the shoot isn't until tonight." She said. I smiled. "Speaking of photos, look what I took." I said as I showed conscious Addison the picture of unconscious Addison. She smiled as she saw the probably doofy star struck look on my face.

"Dixie I'm totally naked. But I do look pretty hot oddly." She said. I pouted. "Can I keep it?" She thought for a second. "Fine. I trust you enough. But hit me up when I'm not sleeping if you want better nudes." She giggled as she got up. "Will do!"

I watched as her naked figure walked to the bathroom, before turning to me in the door frame. "Shower?" She asked and I quickly nodded as I got up. "Hell yeah." I said as I walked over to join her. Her eyes trailed over me and I blushed a little, then she started to laugh. I rose an eyebrow as I looked down.

All over, my skin was littered with red lipstick kisses that Addison had left. My chest, my stomach and, naturally all around my inner thighs. I blushed as I looked up, hoping they wouldn't stain.

"Seriously?" I asked giggling. Addison just bit her finger and blushed before turning to get in the shower. I soon followed and we each got each other washed up, and I managed to clean the kisses off, much to Addisons disappointment.

"Wait stand still." She said as she pulled me closer and I watched as she focused in on my neck. The concentration looked cute on her face. I moved my head back as I felt her scrubbing my neck off, with soap and rinsed it with water. "Phew, I thought they were hickies." She said and she spun around to rinse out her own hair. "I told you not to leave marks." I said.

"And I didn't. I have some self control if I really try." She joked. I hugged her from behind and smirked as I felt her breath hitch at the skin contact. "I never got you back from last night," I whispered in her ear. She wiggled out of my grasp and hopped out of the shower saying, "and you never will!"

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